02 September 2008
Being Is This
Being is being suffering back pain.
Being is being lethargic.
Being is being dead tired.
Being is this as it is.
Being is nothing needing fixing, nothing is wrong here.
Being is being complaining about being this or that.
Being is getting drunk.
Being is being hung over.
Being is being walking. Being typing. Being is nobody being somebody dreaming he is some nobody.
Being is being is being.
Being is this when it sucks and this when it doesn't.
Being is giving a shit and or not giving a shit.
Dreaming being is being dreaming.
What’s so.
So what?
As John Wheeler puts it,
Non-dual awareness or pure being is entirely beyond the scope of dualistic consciousness and has no need or interest
to know itself. Given that it is one-without-a-second, it cannot be known objectively. That is where the phrase awareness
unaware of itself comes in. Ultimately, awareness cannot know itself as a thing apart. Yet it is. It is sometimes called "self
shining" or "self-knowing". So, full stop! In that pause of all attempts to get, know, apprehend or recognize is a vivid,
clear and undeniable radiance of awareness-presence. It hits you, so to speak, as a very palpable and tangible self-recognition
which is entirely independent of the mind or even consciousness.
As Tony Parsons puts it
There is only being. There is just being. There’s nothing else. There’s nobody that’s
running that. There’s no destiny, there’s no God, there’s no plan, there’s no script, there’s
nowhere to go because there is only timeless being. Being is totally whole just being. And it is alive and fleshy and sexy
and juicy and immediately this; it’s not some concept about ‘there’s no-one here’. It’s not
some concept about ‘there’s nowhere to go’. It is the aliveness that’s in that body right now. There
is pure beingness, pure aliveness. That’s it. End of story.
Really it is simply that. So there is no-one, there is no choice. There is no choice at any level. Oneness didn’t
choose to become two. There is just oneness. All there is, is oneness being alive with nobody doing it. Is anybody doing breathing?
Is anybody doing blood circulation? Is anybody really doing anything? No. There is just apparent
doing. Apparent life in freefall.
There is no answer to life because life is its own answer. It’s happening already. It’s this. You never
lost it. That’s the amazing thing about liberation. When liberation apparently happens people say, “It’s
amazing because the thing I was looking for has never left me. It’s the one thing that never comes and never goes –
the one constant that can’t be known or held onto.” And the one constant is being.