Nature of This
Once the seeing happens that "I Am" is known as the Natural Eternal Truth, then whatever appears in this space like
being-awareness is naturally and effortlessly left as it is … unmodified, unaltered, uncorrected.
That is acceptance of what IS with no false belief in any ideas that may be arising in spacelike awareness of an acceptor of a thing accepted.
It Is. That is the Eternal Seeing-Being, naturally embracing all that appears.
This is Love … not the absence of hatred or the presence of love in the relative way, but Absolute Love and
only That.
Just this
Although in Truth there is
no seeker, no path, no attainment, no teacher, no realization: If there is seeking happening then this may resonate.
Perhaps the habit is to identify your
self as the thought "I" - as in I Am. Notice right now if the Presence behind the I thought has been overlooked. Break into
the habit, being aware of That Presence as your True Identity. This takes no time nor practice. It's just a natural seeing,
right here, right now. And that's the end of seeking; the Natural, Eternal State has been found to be never missing. There
is no mystery to this. It is, simply, what you already always ARE. Right Here Right Now You Are This. In This, There IS No
End and No Beginning.
Ask yourself: Do I Exist? Am I Aware that
I am? Obvious, isn't it?
YOU ARE. That Existence that YOU are is the same Existence that Nisargadatta,
Ramana, Christ, Buddha, and Krishna et al ARE. It is not that "they" "were" That; they, and YOU, ARE That. Timeless Endless
Beginningless BEING.
The I AM that "they" are is one and the same as the I AM that "you" (REALLY) are.
Existence cannot get more existent. Awareness cannot become more aware. You are That, here and now, fully Being and Aware.
Just stop stubbornly refusing to be what you are, and quit pretending to be anything other than That.
So call off the search! And if you think you
cannot, ask yourself, WHO said so? Question the assumption that what you are is limited or lacking in any way. Asking yourself,
Who am I? What am I? Where is the me I believe I am? This investigation reveals the false AS FALSE, leaving ONLY the Real. Just ASK, with no expectation of any answer or
any outcome: Simply ask and see that what you truly are is no thing.
Can something come from no thing?
"Those videos rate two thumbs up! Much more
helpful than just the written word. Thanks." -b.c.
happening in Enid, Oklahoma: Info is Here