12 Oct 2008 - You Cannot Attain OR Lose What You Are
No “practice is needed for you to be what you are, already, always – this Presence.
Try to escape Presence! Your attempts to get away from what is keep you on an endless path to becoming and you ignore that
you already ARE what you seek – absolute freedom, Naked Presence, right here and right now. Ponder this pointer:
“You yourself impose limitations on your true nature of infinite Being and then weep that
you are but a finite creature. Then you take up this or that practice to
transcend the nonexistent limitations. But if your practice itself
assumes the existence of the limitations, how can it help you to transcend them”? –
Sri Ramana Maharshi
Being IS. Who can argue with that? You ARE. Who cannot see that this Presence, this clear and
obvious Naked Awareness, IS what you seek, and by seeking it you deny it? Who?
Ponder this. And do come to grips with the FACT that you ARE and that ALL else is speculation,
imagination, memory.
Who am I? Listen Now.