06 Sept 2008
Healing the Organism: “Yoga Of Breathing”
A “YouTuber” with a great nickname, “Angel”, writes: Hello
Charlie, many thanks for the latest video. Sorry to see you were not feeling well, but wonderful to see that you are getting
better and healing. You mentioned breathing yoga in the video as a great part of your healing
process. Could you share this technique either in video form or suggest a text that would be a good pointer? All the best
to you, Charlie! We cannot thank you enough for all you do for all that is One! LOVE, “Angel”.
Hi “Angel” (and you clearly ARE 'an Angel'!) The yoga of breath is taught in an inexpensive
course offered by Art of Living, the head of, and “inventor” of which is one of my dearest friends, Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar of India.
They are a worldwide movement. Go to http://www.artofliving.org for info on the course. I recommend it very highly (obviously!) Love, Charlie