28 Sept 2008
Watching The Magic Show Called ‘Life’
Follow-up from Jeremy (listen to his Hardball IV audio)
J: Everything is really evening out! I owe you the credit for the final push, although on a deeper
level there is total understanding that "you" did not do anything and "I" had nothing to understand because neither one of
us exists!! That does bring deep peace, who is there to feel guilty, judge people, hold grudges, worry about wrong decisions
yada yada yada, when there are NO PEOPLE doing anything, no decisions have ever been made on any level and no mistakes, accidents,
tragedies, etc, EVER because WHO WOULD THEY HAVE HAPPENED TO? Everything is a divinely orchestrated masterpiece dancing to
infinitely perfect intelligence, we (whatever that means) THE AUDIENCE OF NONE simply watch it all unfold NOW
C: Thanks for this great good news!
As John Wheeler says, “Settle in with the awareness-presence, and whatever its characteristics
are, naturally become evident. That is already present, but overlooked. Just as being and awareness are ever-present
but often not recognized, so is the non-suffering and unchanging freedom of your ever-present true self. I can only point;
it is up to you to see it for yourself”.
All any “expression” of this can do is point. You did the looking and now the fruits
are here. Congratulations! Love ya.