11 Sept 2008
WHO is Saying “I Am Frustrated”?
Q: I read on your website that you spent close to 30 years searching? Wow! I've been
at it less than 10, and I'm frustrated. I conceptually understand it all, but there isn't any experience to go along
with it.
C: You say "I" am "frustrated". WHO is that I? Where IS that I? Is it a real "entity" with any
independent power apart from That Which Powers The Sun? What IS That Power? Is it a personal matter? Where is this "person"
in deep sleep?
This is NOT a concept and NOT an experience – it is NOT for "you" because "you" do not exist!
All there is is BEING, a Seamless Whole with nothing separate or apart from It - and THIS we call IT is NOT an "IT" at all,
NOT a thing another thing can "know" - so language fails miserably to even point - language cannot represent, describe or
evoke so language is simply the wrong tool for this Understanding That Belongs To No One).
What IS, the Timeless Reality, is PRIOR to language.