The Eternal State ~ Advaita Nonduality

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17 January 2008

What You Are Does Not Come And Go

R.D. writes, I am going to pretend that there is no such thing as a stupid question, and ask this anyway:  Is it possible to get stuck halfway between duality and non-duality?

Look at the definition of Nonduality I like: One-Without-A-Second. One. ONE ONLY. Where is room for “other-than-One” in ONENESS?  Could “ONE” mean One, plus Duality?

The reason I ask........about a year ago, I had an experience of non-duality that lasted for several hours. Why it wasn't a permanent shift is beyond me. During this experience, which unfortunately happened while I was driving, everything that I could see was a shimmering, vibrating mass of energy, and it was all the same. The buildings, the highway, my hand, the steering wheel, the trees, etc., were all the Same. Made of the same stuff. There was no me, and various knowings came to me.

All experiences are dualistic, in fact. You see, if there is the belief in an experiencer, some "person, me" who owns that happening, then there is dualism. This is the “subject-object" separateness that seems real until it is seen that even THAT is One. Nonduality. NOTHING is excluded.

One was that the body was just the vehicle thru which God (for lack of a better description) experienced life and added to It's wisdom. I felt like I was a fully connected part of that energy. Completely safe, completely loved, and completely guided. And all I had to do was Be and Observe. I wondered if the eyes of the body saw at all, because I was seeing from above and behind my head. I had no idea what was happening to me. No way to make sense of it.  After a few hours, that all passed. It was hugely disappointing to have ego appear again with the suffering that is its perpetual companion. Since then I have sporadically had different experiences. For example, for a few days one week I didn't sleep. The body slept, but me as Awareness was awake all night. There have been days where I felt so totally connected to Love and people at work kept staring at me quizzically, and telling me that I had some sort of glow about me. There have been days where my mind was only awareness, that noticed the thoughts that appeared and disappeared, but did not attach to them.

A similar thing happened here "once upon a time". It came to pass, as AL:L experinece does. What was revealed is what is ... which is always the actuality. Being-Awareness-Aliveness is WHAT IS. It is only the false storyteller that believes itself to be doing or knowing. Now, that storyteller is back into the concept of time ... it happened "back then". Just noticing that there is a belief in a "me" in "time" can allow it to deconstruct, in a manner of speaking. Nothing really happens to a "me." It's a phantom. You have seen that clearly. Just stay with that seeing. Don't accept the mind's assertions, which are patently false. There is no evidence for the mind's assertions of control or power. When there arises a "letting it be as it is" the false all falls apart by itself. But do realize "you" cannot do this. So perhaps there is relaxing into the unfolding. You are being lived by The One and that is freeing itself from the false, so to say. Words are always off the mark yet sometimes there is a heart-felt energetic presence arising as the words point to the Love that you are from the Love that you are. What you actually are is the Absolute ... That is called by the "name"  "I AM". That is Love.

The days of connection and peace are interrupted by unexpected emotional turmoil, usually related to relationship matters. 

That is what is happening. It is happening to no-one yet there arises the false belief in a "me" to whom it is happening. But that too is Oneness, playing that game with itself!

 So, I'm asking, is it possible to get stuck on a bridge between the two, and is there a way off???

NO, and NO. Everything is Oneness appearing as all these “somethings” … “you” and “me” and “all there is”. Nonduality is One and since that is the real you are always already That, including the story that you are not.

These experiences come and go while what you truly ARE never comes and never goes. All the changing appearance is a dream of a “me,” the false believed-in “individual” with a name, a form, and a location that seems to live in time. This is the Master Illusion of The One playing the game of separation and reunion with itself. Seeing this, no one sees, and the game is at the end as what happens to no-one begins as a temporal experience of being one and ends in Simply Being One and nothing but That. The end game arises as a seeing by no-one that all there is, is THIS ONE and nothing could ever be excluded from the One, and that means NOTHING is excluded. Period. Full Stop.

Stay with this Energy of Aliveness that inescapably IS and let That show you what is false. You were never born; you were never a concept and not any experience. There is only all that is and since you exist you must BE that and only That. Stay in touch as Aliveness moves the happening of that. Thanks for sharing and putting forth a great question. I Love You. 


NOTE: Older Previously posted correspondence (prior to January 2007) can be found published in the books.
Additional as yet unpublished recent posts from 2007 can be found HERE.
A NEW Book is in the works: Absolute Freedom" (The Bliss Of being) ...
Before 'God' Is, You Are.  Stay Tuned for release info (it's likely to be out in spring 2008.)

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26 November 2007

Hope Is Icing On A Turd

Z.S. Writes to Follow-up ... Saw your latest video … “Hope is icing on a turd"... HAHAHA  beautiful. Thank you once again.

De nada! The metaphor is of course that in the seeker the false hope …”icing” … covers up the "turd" of frustration and utter despair of not having the power either to stop seeking or to attain freedom. There seems to be for many a “final stage” where all that is needed to be understood is known and the “persona” has been seen through, and is now clearly no longer deeply believed in. The mask has been exposed and Naked Being is seen as what IS and always so. But for some when hope is first stripped away (by being ItSelf) the anguish of the “soul” is out in the open, raw and naked, and the insecurity and vulnerability of the exposed con man or woman … the ego … gets very evident. This scary angry feeling-sense is the ego’s death rattle! So it's actually good news.

The me wants freedom, when in fact freedom and the me do not exist in the first place outside of thought. 

Freedom DOES exist. Freedom IS Existence Itself:  Non-Conceptual, Self-Knowing, Self-Luminous, Self-Aware, Solid, Real, Eternal, Invincible, and utterly UNKNOWABLE. You ARE Freedom, Open and Alive; THIS is Life itself. Existence IS and you ARE that … it’s absolute and undeniable that YOU ARE. Do you exist? Say yes or say no, either way you DO exist. Keep that basic pointer alive in you. And while the "me" does NOT exist, "knowing" or "understanding" that is the booby prize! As you might see now.

Wanting to be cradled into the bosom of God, wanting to disappear into nothing and be "taken over" by  the universal intelligence.  All of it, jibberish.  This present state of seeming to be unable to see or even contemplate any of this, but the desire is there to be able to look, and the looking just doesn't happen. That too is meaningless.

It seems meaningful to a mind, a “me.” Yet there is Intelligence seeing that it IS imagination and jibbberish. That’s all completely perfect. It’s what IS. Now: Notice that ALL of this is happening IN Being, IN Existence ItSelf. That is inescapable. That is what you really are. There is no escape from Being. Being IS and is Being … Everything. And before God is YOU are. Full Stop. All there is, is YOU, and YOU called "not-you."

It has been seen, lately, how there actually isn't more than one present.  The whole oneness thing, irrelevantly seen.  Of course everything is one, of course that one is the source of this "I".  Of  course it is eternal and unknowable.  It just happens to be taking the form of separation.  Or is this too just another misguided thought trap? Is everything that can be communicated just a lie?

Yes. All words are ONLY pointers. Or poetic descriptions of the Indescribable IS-NESS of Being-Awareness-Aliveness. THAT IS WHAT IS. THAT is Beyond description, beyond mind and heart. You must have heard that a thousand times by now. So let it sink in!

There is a wonderful poem in the book “No Way by Wayne Liquorman ( writing as “Ram Tzu”): "You clever ones have learned that all effort is useless… nothing is left to chance… God is running the show… you are but a robot. Ram Tzu has a question for you… what makes you keep trying?" That's a GOOD question! But  don't "answer" it! Just LOOK ... when and if whatever makes you look moves you to look.


And also here for YOU. Realize this: You cannot screw this up! Liberation is not only assured, it is already the case. There is merely a now-crumbling belief that “you” are not liberated, whereas you are actually Liberation Itself: All there IS is Liberation. “You” can neither make it happen or prevent it. So relax about it and have a great Now.

Only Love Is Real.

What makes me keep trying is the need and desire to escape the unsavory experiences and feelings that the entirety of personal experience is made up of.  I can try to stop trying to do that, but that seems to be impossible.

That’s what you as a false personal “me” believes. WHO says so?

And if not for fear and the fact that I don't want to hurt my loved ones, I would have ended this with a gunshot through the head or a plunge from a tall building a long time ago. Because there is NO WAY OUT.

If you are suicidal get a doctor’s help! Nonduality pointers are NOT a substitute for professional medical help. And for god's sake stop BELIEVING the pointers! LOOK where they POINT.

And I can sit here and say "There doesn't have to be a way out, and the I doesn't have to die or change, because it's just not me.  I am the awareness, and not even that.  I just am, free from it all."  Yes, so easy to recite all of this but it is not experienced in any way.

WHO says so? All of that is a bunch of thoughts being believed by a false believer! This stands because you don’t LOOK … you turn pointers into your new religion and that will obviously NOT relieve you from the core false assumption that there IS a “you” that now has a batch of bullshit new beliefs like “I am the awareness and not even that.”

No experience is either necessary or eternal ... not at all...YOU are all there is... including all you say is you as a story. You will suffer as long as you believe you are a person.

It can be seen through: WHO are you? NO ANSWER. Be in Unknowing presence. If you can't, then you can't. That's what is. No exit.

But as long as you are suffering you CAN LOOK! As Nisargadatta Maharaj said, “Don’t be lazy to think!” And, “Sooner or later, you are bound to discover that if you really want to find, you must dig at one place only… within.”

Get to it. DIG IN! Use the pointers! ASK YOU:

Do I Exist?

What Am I?


26 November 2007

It's Just a Case of  "Mistaken Identity"

Follow-up from O.J. - Thank you! Yesterday everything was clinking clear. It was so alive, and so much gratitude, so much happiness and love, aliveness as you say.

That is ALWAYS the caseless case. Note that in the appearance of things “you” “come back” (so to say) and relegate this clearness to “yesterday.” But where or when is this “yesterday?” ALL there IS is NOW.

These two e-mails from you have brought so much understanding with them, and caused a lot of revelation as to what we are. Nothing. Isness has been the theme of these last days. It’s amazing that nothing is!

Equally amazing is that EVERYTHING is.

There's still some unrest in here though, having worries about money and wanting to get out of certain relationships and so on...

That's what is. If there is an idea that it "should be different" then that's the suffering; only a "me" could want what is to be better, different, more or less than it is. What is IS and what is not IS NOT. Full Stop. This IS It. As It is and as It ain’t.

...and really wanting to thank some charlie guy it insists exists. So, with danger of spoiling non-duality, thank you so much again. I just want to bow. wow. 

You are just bowing to your SELF … all there IS is YOU .... and YOU called Not-You. And, Non-duality includes it ALL! That cannot be "spoiled."

Although the I is back today suffering a bit, and the big aliveness of yesterdays blissful high moment [seems to fade] more and more is being downloaded so to speak.

More and more being downloaded? What does that mean? Makes no sense...

Is this how it always goes?

For whom? Where is the “I” that claims it is "back suffering?" Can you find such a one apart from Awareness ItSelf? No. Whenever there is wanting of what has passed or is not here now there is suffering! When the “I:” that wants what isn’t is seen to be only a powerless thought-construct, suffering goes, and all there is, is what always already is … True Peace, Absolute Freedom, Unbounded Being Aliveness. If you experience a sense that what is ought to be different there will be suffering; release happens when it is seen that even THAT is part of everything … what IS … and then there is a hearty laugh!

Of course there's a wanting to die completely, and it's seen very clearly that that is what has to happen somehow. 

To whom? How can that which is wisp of cloud-like thought die? That was never actually born. Nothing is there to die!

There's an urge somewhere to lose contact with the body and be only isness, but the isness is the body of course, though it's a mystery. The bodymind is irritated sometimes with it's so-called girlfriend, but otherwise, things are just great!!!!

All experiences arise in Being … Presence-Awareness. That is always Here and always Now. Nothing that changes is real; only Being-Awareness, Being Nothing, Being Everything is Real… go deeper into this claim of a “me” that is asking or doing or feeling or wanting to be controlling what happens, what drives this? What fuels this? What drives what is felt or thought?

Thank you so much mr. no-one.

Hahaha …. De Nada!

Does the bodymind named charlie always only live totally moment to moment and never plan ahead or worry?

Plans happen. Whether they come to pass is always unknown. A trip was planned to Ireland. The trip was cancelled. No one does all that stuff; there is no real sense of being personally “involved” in these happenings … everything is simply happening in the Presence of Being-Awareness. There is NO doer in Reality. The doer was a false identity, a mistake made in the mind. So, worry is gone immediately (if it arises at all) as it’s seen that there is no person to be concerned about what happens or may happen. All”worries” are about a self-identification called “I am this body” and “I have to make sure I take care of it and keep it safe and secure.” That is the suffering of mistakenly identifying as a thing called “me.” You are NOT an object or a thing that can change or be threatened. That bodymind is an instrument THROUGH which Totality Happens. That organism is fundamentally connected to everything that is. You are Being-Awareness and nothing else … AND Everything “else.” Paradoxically!  It’s ALL Presence-Awareness; ALL Aliveness. Everything is That. Full Stop.

Consider this, ponder this: As long as you believe this is "your" life you will hang on for dear life to that idea. Because "you" do NOT want to "lose your life." But if there is no "you," who is hanging on to what? It is awfully tiring trying to keep that which you never had! That is a game you are sure to lose. And what makes you keep playing a losing game? Ponder that one.

BE in The Gift Of Unknowing.


25 November 2007

The World In You

Follow-up from G.H. - Hi Charlie, I haven't written you for awhile. With your help, (website, conference calls, books etc.) there has been many interesting insights and much less suffering here. I read something recently by a Vijay Shankar that I wanted your take on. He says "The problem is that we think the world is "outside" us when in reality the world is actually "inside" us. When we close our eyes at night the world completely disappears, only to magically reappear the next morning when we open our eyes again. So the world can be turned on and off like a computer monitor. The world is as much a projection of the mind as is the image on the computer screen a product of the software. When I first read this it sounded like complete B.S. to me, but then I remembered you saying something once about phenomenon, and noumenon which seems like the same "concept." I know this all is just more idiot babbling so to speak, but if you've got the inclination I would love to get your ideas regarding same. Blessings now. G

That's a good one.

Remember, it's a pointer; don't take the pointer for the real; look what it's pointing TO...
It is as has been said here ... Before God (or world or anything) IS, YOU are.

Nothing (Noumenon) appearing as Being Everything (Phenomenon.)

These are NOT TWO.


24 November 2007

Wanting To Be Consumed By Is-ness

Follow-up from O.J. - Wow! thanks a lot for this beautiful and in depth lesson! That was very nice of you. It really gave me a punch on the jaw. Because although it's seen clearly that everything is one, the illusion of a me still continues, seeking after something.

That's Nothing Being Everything! No-one “gives lessons.” No-one is “nice to do that.” It’s all a dream; there is NO ONE. Yet, that appearance will go on as long as it does. There is no-one who can do or not do a damn thing about that ... or anything else. You (the cloud-like appearance of a ‘you') might as well argue with gravity … or try to kill the moon.

But this almost knocked me out! Thank you very much. It's like a burden is disappearing.. It's like there is this silent!!! intense silence, the "is-ness" that you emphasize really is a good pointer, a key!!

This Silence Always IS. The arising of “wow” is a kind of Seeing ... a Full Stop. It may happen that there is the arising, the happening, of refusing of all thoughts and abandonment of any belief or investment in "the seeker-me." That’s the “Full Stop.” But can a false entity, the phantom-like "me," DO or NOT DO THAT? Or anything else? NO. Absolutely NOT.

But it's still obscure. It's not possible to localize it and go into it! It's everywhere right?

YES, THIS is Everything and Nothing, Everywhere and Nowhere. Now: What arises as a "but?" And laments, "It is still obscure?" It's closer than your breath, the most obvious of all ... Ordinary Being, Being Everything. Never obscured. Only a "you" thought it was. Believe a thought of "I" or "me" or "you" to be real ... and you are lost in delusion. Yet that too IS a happening IN this Naked Being-Awareness which is NEVER ABSENT. See that right here right now!

Thank you for clarifying so many things. But its flavor gives rise to a sense of wanting to be consumed by it!

Okay, as a kind of poetic expression, this is quite right as far as it goes: There IS the Immensity Of Aliveness ... That's what IS ... and THAT seems to consume all that is false ... AND what gets consumed "against its real will" is the one who wants to be consumed. "You” don't REALLY want to "be consumed." That's a lie ... a strategy that the mind-ego employs to keep up the appearance of separateness and self-centered solidarity.

(I'M SORRY!!!)Can I ask how that happened in Charlie? Is there a technique?

What arises as these “yes, buts?" Who or what believes "wanting to be consumed by it" is somehow wrong and says "I'm sorry?" WHAT is saying thinking writing looking asking “but”-ing etc etc WHAT?? What brought out a “but?” Who says "Obscure?" Obscure to WHO? "You?"

LOOK: This mental thunderstorm storm called “you” is totally out of control! Is that noticed now? LOOK: That false “you” cannot stop the “but” from arising and that phantom “you” cannot erase itself. That false “you” believes it is real and so it believes “charlie” is real and “something happened "in charlie.” Now IT wants to know how. IT wants a technique, a process. LOOK: there is no charlie, no technique, no IT. How can No Thing dispel what does NOT exist!? Nothing will work. Nothing.

Nothing “happened in “charlie.” There IS NO “charlie.” There IS NO "O.J." There IS NO-ONE and NOT even THAT! So “who” or "what" would “employ a technique?” All sorts of stuff can appear to happen like asking who am I? Or meditating…but that’s all part of this dream of being human and separated from all that is. Nothing will work. It is absolutely hopeless. In other words, it is absolutely hopeless. To say it another way, it is absolutely hopeless. And, Nothing will work. Any "practice" or any "technique" presupposes a "limited, bound 'person' to practice." HOW could a practice that reinforces the false release the false from itself? And watch if the mind-ego says, "well, okay maybe Nothing WILL work." "Maybe "I" can "use" nothing" ..,. “do” “nothing” … as the "technique.” It's hopeless! There is NO WAY OUT. 

Nothing happens here. Nothing happens there Nothing could happen "someday." There is NO “someday.” That is the fantastic dream of space-time and location. THIS alone IS … Timeless Spaceless Is-Ness. 

This is it. This IS all there is. There IS NO Time, NO "someday," NO "becoming." ALL there IS, IS THIS. Nothing happening apparently as everything apparently being some things striving for no thing. Nothing Being the fantastic (fantasy!) Dream of Everything.


Game Over.


23 November 2007
Isn't There 'Something' That Knows There Is 'More'? 

O. J. Writes, Dear Charlie, thanks so much for the videos you've posted on YouTube. They have given me a lot of clarity. Your way of languaging advaita is very appealing to me, and the understanding that I don’t exist arises as I'm being reminded by you. Only the emptiness that form/movement happens over and against [what] really is. And this emptiness has the capacity of knowing.

Emptiness IS. THAT has NO "properties!" THAT is NOT an "object" and NOT a "subject!" (Not even a Really BIG "Ultimate Subject!")  Don't complicate THAT with notions of "capacities" or some "knowing" or any other false notion! Drop all that; it's nothing but spiritual conceptualizing. Totally false.

It is the "I am" before the "thought-I am" as you say, the real is-ness.

Conceptually correct… NON-conceptually IT IS … as is pointed to with “language.” ONLY pointed to as what IS is indescribable, beyond language, beyond both being and not-being.

But still, though I see that this is true and I try to stay there, something also knows that there's more! Right?

No. That is absolutely NOT correct. There is NOT any "something." That's dualism, ignorance, the ignoring of the Real, Unborn Being. Now a little phantom “you" trades the Unborn Eternally Real for a paltry little identity you call “yourself” …that “me” or “I” … that says "I try to stay there" and claims there is a subject-me ("something") that "also knows there is more." ... And, when you look for such a thing as “I” or a "knower" apart from IS-ness what is found? Nothing!

Looking, seeing, from Nowhere … Here THIS IS … there is always what IS … and there is NO more than  Everything! What “you” are not noticing is what there is still operating there a belief in an “I” that says, “I see” and “I try to stay there” etc. That “I” is a phantom taking itself very self-importantly to be real and separate from all that is. It’s the arrogance of  ignorance (not “your personal” arrogance; it’s an impersonal delusion personalizing as a thought and feeling sense of a contracted “little me.”) All this self-centered striving goes on until this “I” is seen through as a fake and only then (now) is the Real re-cognized as the Eternal Statelessness of Being-Awareness-Aliveness. And no-one can “do” this … because there IS no-one! It happens or not to no-one being everything.

Because Ramana talked about that Nirvikalpa samadhi, I have this ("demon"?) inside that keeps seeking for that state of not being aware of form/movement, only the absolute, only purity. If you feel like it and have time, please, can you help me by commenting on this?

THIS IS-Ness is NOT a “state!” THIS is beyond ALL “states.” Being-Awareness IS and That is Timeless, Spaceless, Unknowable, Unknowing IS-NESS.

Now look: WHO “has this demon?” What or who asks "another who" to “help me?” You tell a story of lies and then believe yourself! That’s crazy! Look: Terms of art like Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Sahaja Samadhi are descriptions of what actually already IS, NOT "prescriptions" nor "attainments.”

Ramana Maharshi was actually dismissive of Nirvikalpa Samadhi as unnecessary to “realization”… Ramana said, “… there is no good in trance [samadhi].” To a questioner who continued to ask about the importance of such “states,” Ramana replied, “If you are so anxious for trance any narcotic will bring it about. Drug-habit will be the result and not liberation."

The urge to get "more" IS the ignorance of a mind that considers itself to be real and so chases its own extinction ("nirvana.") But this is patently impossible since there IS NO separate "I" ... it’s a phantom ... "mind" is nothing but a cloud-like phantom of a single thought -- "I" -- which is only an energetic formation in movement of infinite Being-Awareness-Aliveness. "I" is merely an appearance, like water in a mirage. Seekers who get an experience of "trance" in activity ... an EXPERIENCE ... become addicted to that experience; it's no different than drug addiction. And the brutal FACT is that NO "experience" is "the final state" or the sought-after "enlightenment." The brutal fact is THERE IS no such "state" or "thing" as "enlightenment". ALL "states” come and go and ONLY That which NEVER changes, THAT which does NOT come and go, is the Real. And you are already That so all seeking to "become" or "attain" or "disappear into samadhi" (of any "sort") is what keeps the ignorance up front and seems to obscure the fact that You are already That ... Being-Awareness-Aliveness. You cannot "become" what you already ARE.

Existence IS. Is there a separate "little you" apart from the Whole? That is simply ignorance, a false belief, an assumption that is only a speculation of language by a false entity that asserts its reality but cannot supply a shred of evidence for its solid separate existence as a “thing” apart from Everything. Being IS and THAT is appearing as everything.  Even the idea of a “thing” apart! Paradoxically!

So that's all that is seen ... by no-one ... and all notions of some samadhi or "special state" disappears as this is seen by no-one --Emptiness -- arising IN Being-Awareness AS Naked, Raw Aliveness Itself.

Where is any notion of any state in deep sleep? The sleep state where "you" are NOT is the closest relative state that points to what is Real and Eternally So ... Nothing Appearing As Everything. Don't trade That for beliefs! _____________________________________________________________________________________

23 November 2007
Letting Life Play Itself Out
S.A. Writes, I can only imagine what is the reason for doing the things that we do.  One day I yearned to be someone special, unique and distinguished, today I don't care about that anymore because learning from you I  have learned to just let life play itself out.  Everything will level itself out in the end.  I believe you refer to this as "is-ing" ... its all already in the present. there is no right or wrong.

Thank you so  much for this heart-felt message. Being ... Just-As-You-Are ... sure beats "trying to become," does it not? Much Love to you, my friend. ________________________________________________________________________________________________

22 November 2007

No Way Out!

Go HERE ... Bottom line is, This IS IT. This -- as it is -- is ALL there is. There's No Way OUT.


21 November 2007

Once This Is Seen Everything Is “Taken Care Of”

Follow-up from E.P. - It's been a while since I have been  in touch with ya, and would like to let you know how things are going... There is a deep realization of Silence, and I've been there for a while since then, and at every emotion, negative or positive, there's just the silent acceptance of it, no problem. It's being unimportant to try to control thoughts or emotions; there is a deep recognition of the Silent Awareness, that underlies every emotion.
I am seeing that when you don't recognize deeply the Silence, you are just an ignorant mind dealing with “your” personality. That was my condition, reading books but not knowing the essence of all this. But once you grasp it, everything is taken care of. Warm Regards, E.P.

Yes, beautiful; everything IS naturally and effortlessly resolved in The Unborn. Only when the Unborn is traded for thoughts-sensations-emotions-feelings etc. is there suffering.

Welcome Home!


21 November 2007

A False "me" Cannot "Remove Itself"

K.B. Writes, After watching your video on YouTube about “fear,” I almost asked you, how then do you get rid of the core belief of a separate me but i guess that would require a "me" to so something about it. Are you familiar with Jiddu Krishnamurti?

Yes, J. Krishnamurti was pointing to This quite elegantly ... as to that core belief, seeing it AS a belief and not something solid and real will often suffice. You don't try to get water from a mirage, like that when the energy of belief no longer goes into that false notion it kind of withers and dies. Nothing can live without energy... and a false belief cannot live without "being believed" so to say... and you are quite right, a false "me" cannot remove itself!


21 November 

The Denial Of Suffering Refuses To LOOK

Someone we know who suffers, and manages to somehow deny that, writes: I'm not whole heartedly into non-duality but I'm sure it is very helpful for some folks.

Non-duality is not helpful. Non-duality sees NO "person" that needs "help!"

When the suffering gets intense enough then there is a sincere looking into the false "me" and dissolution happens, leaving only the peace of Home. That's all.

"Helpful" crap like religion, therapy, spirituality, meditation, yoga, healings ... all these finally get seen as absolutely reinforcing the false, the ego "person." Then there is (if it so happens!) a new earnestness born of frustration with all the crap that never works and all the "help" that resulted in more and more suffering ... and then there can be the honest looking at what says condescending things like "I'm sure it's helpful for some folks."

And just who or what is this “I” that is so “sure?”

You will probably NEVER notice that ALL of that is the posturing of a fake, "you," the inauthentic phony self-center, in full bloom. But it's quite likely that this "you" WILL come to suffer. That "you" WILL pray to die.

So all I can say, is .... I hope you die soon.

From HERE, There is Always Only Ruthless Love.

(The response: Thanks Charlie; me too.)


20 November 2007

Peace Is The Unknowing ... Being-Awareness

Follow-up from J.K. - Thanks so much for the detailed and empassioned response.  I read and mulled over what you said last night.  This morning, I listened to the dialogue [a consulting call with Henryk] that you sent me.  I was struck suddenly by the apparent struggle the gentleman was having trying to understand the teaching.  Something you said or inferred during the dialogue sparked a was, "Relax...there is nothing to know!"  I immediately felt a great deal of peace, as if a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders.  I could hear myself in that gentleman...that was me trying to understand what is fundamentally not knowable.  Everything and nothing is not just smile!  Dare I say it, even the I AM is just a simply is what is left after all concepts have been stripped away.

Conceptually … correct! :-) 

Am I pointing in the right direction?

YES. AND, there is NO "I" and NO "direction." Before This or anything is, Being IS or YOU ARE. (The NON-Conceptual Unknowable YOU.)

[That Audio is HERE... listen now.]


20 November 2007
A. I.  Writes, hi old charlie, i traveled fast through hell, not knowing - or knowingly perhaps, that every stone i looked under was just a piece of the hell itself. the search was again, and like hell. when i arrived at that lovely old station at no time... i stopped. still the message is ... only... thank you
Welcome Home. Love, 'old charlie' :-)

20 November 2007

I Am Tired Of Seeking, I Want Peace

J.K. Writes, I happened on one of your delightful videos (as a response posted to one of Eckhart Tolle) and was very intrigued by what you had to say.  It sounded very much like a teaching of which I am currently a student.  Are you familiar with A Course in Miracles?  How does it compare with what you are saying?

Stay with the simple beginning pointer of that course: Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.

Forget the course stuff about “god.” God is only a concept, nothing substantial or real whatsoever! Stay with That which is known and not only undeniable and inescapable but also totally Real … The NON-Concept NON-Experience of I AM. That I AM is your Reality and ONLY That is The Real. EVERYTHING else is a concept or experience, temporal and unlasting. What NEVER changes? I AM. Not “me” or “you:” I AM! Impersonally Nothing Being Everything.

This Impersonal I AM is the Real ... and all else is belief, concept, hearsay, all second-hand, and all … crap. If you must have a concept to point to what is real, the NON-conceptual Being-Awareness, stay with the One True Pointer to That: I AM. Refuse to entertain any other thought but one: I AM. That Thou Art.

And drop all questions except the One Eternally Unanswered and Unanswerable Question: Who Am I? The only "answer?" Not That Not That!

I was particularly struck by your emphasis on not being so much a "seeker" as a finder.  You seem to downplay the necessity of practice in self-realization.  The Course is chock full of exercises, in fact one whole volume is dedicated to exercise. 

There is NOTHING to "find" and NO-ONE to "find it." So these practices can never deliver on the false promise of “enlightenment” because they reinforce the idea of a seeker who is trying to find something that isn’t already here now eternally. In short, you CANNOT “become” what you already ARE … Being-Awareness-Aliveness.

Seeking is a sure fire way to keep that from being seen.

However, the Course repeatedly says that the notion of a "process" is illusion and that enlightenment (the course calls it right-mindedness) could be achieved instantaneously.

There is NO such thing as enlightenment! And WHO would achieve some such mythical state? WHO? Do you know you exist? Yes. That I AM of Existence Itself IS what is REAL... So, there is NO such “state” as enlightenment and the appreciation of that brute fact is in itself the only enlightenment needed, as Nisargadatta Maharaj pointed out! And where is this "Mind" that will get "Right!?" That is a perfect and divine load of crap, dear One. LOOK: No-one ever gets “enlightenment.” You are NOT gonna be the first! J Why? Because there is NO “you” apart from the Whole. This “me-myself-I” is nothing but an insubstantial and fleeting thought-feeling sense of a contracted energy that takes itself to be apart from the Whole, in ignorant arrogance. The word ignorance simply points to the IGNORING of the fact the Being IS. You are and that is absolutely known, by no-one. Arrogance is to ignore that we are ignorant and profess some ideal of a mythical state of eternal “personal peace of mind” or some other "spiritual snake oil."

I was wondering what were your thoughts on this? Thank you again for the videos and the website. 

You're quite welcome, but .... this expression is not "my doing." There are no teachers or students, paths or goals,  in This I AM. It is what's happening (apparently) ... as Nothing being Everything... so ..... all there is is Being arising as all this expression and sharing.

I'm tired of seeking...I want to find...I'm tired of suffering...I want peace.

Yes, I recognize that. And the pointer is: There it is ... the Root Cause of Suffering ... right here in plain sight! ... This idea of a real separate solid entity called "I" .... when believed to be solid and real ... is the only (apparent) obscuration to this Being-Awareness … the belief in a separate “I” that “seeks and never ever finds…” that “I” is a false entity that appears real only due to ignorance and inadvertence.

Read the other dialogues on the correspondence page for more pointers regarding this. For now suffice to say that this “I: that seeks IS the apparent obscuration of Impersonal being-Awareness … and yet (Paradoxically) THAT TOO is Being-Awareness-Aliveness. This seeming contraction of the energy-intelligence of Aliveness Itself into a little self-center we know as “me” or “I” is a happening of Being and is never apart from Being. What could ever be apart from Wholeness? The perfection of the dance of Being-Aliveness is this mystery of apparent separateness. But it’s all imagination … a waking dream! See the dream AS a dream and then no-one wakes up to Being Nothing Being Everything and that means …. EVERYTHING.

Stay in touch till this is clear and there is no one left to practice or seek.


19 November
Not This Not That No Thing Being Every Thing
Follow-up from the UK - "R.H." writes, - Further to my last crazy email about the brain and non-non-duality, there was an 'experience' the other day that's cleared it all up. I thought I'd share it with you: I was out walking my dog, pondering the universe, as I often do. I was trying to 'drop' my ego and just let my senses soak up the world around me (what a crazy saying that is). I was 'observing' my thoughts arising by generally ignoring them and listening to the wind and feeling the cold etc.
When quite suddenly I disappeared! This was much more profound than last time, which was more of a realization of how my thoughts were just arising from nothing. This time there was nothing here, just (and this is going to be really hard to put into words) 'is-ness'. There was just 'this' happening. No me, no world, no nothing. Just awareness. There was no 'wow this is beautiful' type feeling at all, just a kind of ambivalence.
Everything and nothing was just er..... 'being'. There was no sense of time and all was definitely one. There was absolute certainty that nobody or nothing else existed, but I didn't feel alone or sad or anything, there was no 'me' to know this. It was as if there was a lump of meat walking along, in which a thought would occasionally arise and then go again. Sometimes they would seem to organise themselves into a 'personality' but it didn't last long and was just part of the whole is-ness going on. This whole experience was neither good nor bad or 'love' or anything.
It just was.

The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes or so and it was only afterwards, when it was a memory, that I could see it for what it was. Now I know what's going on here and I know that experience will come again, whenever. No hurry.

One of the curious things about it was that afterwards I was thinking about the 'I AM' that Maharaj uses as a 'pointer', but there was no way I could say 'I AM' at all to anything. There was no 'true self' there, there was not even a sense of 'awareness'. There was just 'this' and that was all. 'I' was the universe, how could there be self-reference...

So now I know. It's no biggie really is it. Here I am 'Chopping wood and carrying water' as usual, but now I know...

What amazes me is that people don't see this all the time! It's right here, right now, all the time! How does anyone NOT see it? I can't believe I couldn't see it. I'll tell you what though Charlie: People are very strange! If only they knew they didn't exist!

I'm telling you all this because of your earlier help and our connection, but I feel no compulsion to talk about this to anyone, after all, who would I be talking to? The best metaphor would be (as always) The Matrix. When I was out with the dog I got unplugged for a few minutes, only instead of being in a foetal pod, I WAS the matrix. Now I'm IN the matrix
and looking around at all these virtual people.... Hey look! You're in here too!

This stuff can happen really quick with people like you pointing the way. It doesn't take years of study or mountaintop meditation. Just a good teacher.
Well, if you meet the teacher on the road kill him :-))
So .... This is great news, R.H.! Now, the search is seen for what it is ... it IS a mystery how it was /is not seen ... and.... there seem to be a few pointers arising to share ...
Everywhere there is the word "was" replace that with the word "IS" ... Being-Awareness ALWAYS IS and does not come and go. So it seems to be the case, that seeing this experience of disappearing AS an experience that comes and goes IN Being-Awareness is essential to the liberation of the "I" or "self" from bondage... even this experience of being no thing ... is-ness... comes and goes IN Being-Awareness... AS Being-Awareness in It's aspect of manifesting Aliveness.
The experience of "this" is not what is being pointed to. BOTH the experience of the absence and the experience of the presence are Being arising as experiencing .... and Being IS what is reporting on that after the fact.... so ... all there is is Being. Being absence, Being presence, Being apparent separateness, Being Wholeness,. Being all that appears .... all that is and all that is not. Everything Is That! Beyond both "being" and "not-being" (your experience as shared beautifully here) ... Being Alone IS and That is (to borrow a pointer I love) Nothing Being Everything. There is NO progress as there is absolutely nothing that is not Already Always Being As Itself ... Nothing Being Everything. Including disappearing and reappearing as "me" ...
This "disappearing of everything" that you report has been experienced "here" ... through "Charlie" (in "1975,") through "Tony Parsons," and "John Greven" and many others. Many call that an "awakening." Liberation is when there is only Being... and that is already the actuality so ALL there is is already Liberation! Being is Being Everything, including ... well ..... EVERYTHING.
You say, now you know. But let it be seen, now it is known. It is known, NOT by "you." Being IS and that is known, and that's all there is. Nothing, Being Everything.

19 November 2007
It Is Obvious and Simple
Follow-up from Ireland - M.H. writes, It seems a new perspective has manifested itself here where there is at times a certainty ( not intellectual ) of no-body being here and things simply unfolding. I say at times, but this "new perspective" now seems to be more dominant than the old one. There is no efforting or expectancy, things just unfold. This must be what is meant by living in the unknowing. However words and books do not seem to do this justice. It is just too simple and natural for that. In fact there does not appear to be any desire to read any more books on this at present. It just seems to complicate with concepts what appears here now as obvious and simple.

There is no idea here what is going to happen in the next minute, never
mind the next day nor is there any huge concern about it. There appears to be an unfoldment  in what " I" am and a realisation that this has always been the case. Nothing more to say really. The words just don't do it justice and trip me up. Thanks again for your help and support.
This all sounds spot on. Welcome to Nothing Being Everything ... Home! Love you!

16 November 2007
It's Seen ... and Laughter Just Erupts
Follow-up from S.C. - It's so nice to have a breather from the endless chatter of the mind. Sometimes there is a return to me-ing from be-ing and then it's seen what is happening and laughter just erupts; the mind is such a naughty boy! Sometimes I'll play with him but I usually tell him he should go home, as his parents will probably be worried about him.
Sounds good! Yes the parents might file a missing person report for the mind-child, but than revoke it n realizing theye never HAD a child. The mind 'you' was never born, all there ever is is You and 'little you' do not exist.
I AM. Unborn. Ever-Present. Being-Awareness, Just That.
Where's a "me?" Ever-Absent. There never was a "me."

16 November 2007

Waiting For a Shift?" You'll Wait Forever

Follow-up from D.R. - As the un-concealing is happening, does this "me-ing and be-ing" stop, then, just awareness of spontaneous"be-ing" only? Or is just always like this, this awareness of "me-ing and be-ing?" 

There's a love of the sincerity and the "heart-born" inquiry happening there. I'm very glad to see the "righteous mind" taking a back seat... 

In so-called "awakening" there appears this "me-ing and be-ing." In so-called "liberation" there is no movement appearing. But BOTH of these are happening IN Being-Awareness. This True Eternal State-less-ness is never missing and cannot "come and go" as what seems to be the case in this "me-ing and being." That is pointer, a conceptual story about a description of something that is appearing IN Timeless Spaceless Relationless BEING-AWARENESS.

Can Awareness get more or less awareness? Can Presence be more or less Presence" Being-Awareness IS and you are That. Everything is appearing IN That. In Truth there is no "spontaneous be-ing." That is an experience and no experience is "it."

This notion of "me-ing and being" is a fair pointer but when it becomes a "truth" it is just dead! Then it becomes something along the lines of a philosophical description; and can give rise to a cul-de-sac speculation about some "time when" there "will be" a "shift." It's quite common to caught out by that pitfall.

There is ONLY ALWAYS Being-Awareness. And always ... ALL! ... is not "a long time!" It's Timeless Eternity. So a giving up of this "trying to grasp and understand" may or may not happen, and Being-Awareness shines on that happening as well.

All is happening spontaneously all the "time" anyway. ALL. And there IS is The IS of Being-Awareness ... Unborn Perfect Freedom. ALL else is appearance and impermanent. All is well in The Unconceieved Unperceived Unimaginable Ever-Fresh Unborn. Don't trade the Unborn Being-Awareness for these paltry thoughts or stories, or any beliefs or philosophical concepts.

More from D.R. - Saw latest video - something caught the attention - talking about the interim sense of I can control making my coffee, etc, but not able to control the unfolding of life....when in the awareness of being which has been going on, noticing there is a sense of no control at all over anything at all - the hand is grabbing the towel, etc., like the body is a puppet, as described below...

Sure. And that is all happening IN what you are ... Being-Awareness, appearing as Timeless Presence and Full Blown Aliveness! ALL is included in ALL!

... so the false mind is just crazy idiot wanting to know this and that! Trying to make sense of this coffee comment!

Be with the energy rather than trying to make sense of it. Yes, the mind IS the storytelling crazed fool, telling the false story of a suffering "me" ... it is the "tale told by an idiot, filled with sound and fury, signifying .... nothing!"

Does the me-ing ever fully "die??"

 The "me-ing" is a function of the organism. There is NO suffering in the idea of a functional me that can make coffee. The suffering consists in the belief in a psychological ego-me that "should be able to control feelings emotions thoughts etc" is real. Seeing the false as false the organism is still being lived by Being-Awareness (so to say) and this certainly includes the functioning aspect of "mind." But there is no longer a belief that whatever appears ought to be better or different or that "someday" there will be "more nothing" or "less me." This is IT. This is all there is to "get" ... as Nisargadatta said, "There is no enlightenment. Appreciation of this fact is itself 'enlightenment'."

This is it. Full Stop.


15 November 2007

Who Asks The Questions?

Follow-up From H.J.H. - Why do You turn Your head, if someone calls Charlie? Best wishes, nobody

That is the "functional identity" aspect which does remain so long as an organism lives. There is no belief that "I" am "charlie." That's the point missed by the mind which cannot comprehend what is being pointed to! Ramana Maharshi answered to a "name." As did Nisargadatta. As does a John Wheeler, Bob Adamson, Tony parsons, Karl Renz et al.

Now: WHO asks THIS question? Somebody claiming to be nobody? It's okay... this is the mind and my sense of you is this is known there. So... have a great now! Love ya...


14 November 2007

It Is Amazing, This Unfolds From Nowhere

Follow-up from P.S. - Thank you for your quick reply last week! I wanted to let it sink in a bit before replying.  I want you to know that your words or pointers had such a deep effect….(there is no “I” but I wouldn’t know where to speak from when trying to explain you this). There were several moments of turmoil in which I returned to the thought “I AM” (even during daily hectic work) and this really proved to be very, which I would like to describe as, “opening”. It calmed my mind or “self” tremendously. I’m still having trouble describing this, but again it felt / feels so good!

What’s pointed to IS indescribable. As you no doubt see, it’s NOT a feeling either thought it does seem that when the false is dissolved the aliveness is “more alive” so to say…

Thank you for your remarks regarding the “separate I” which is always questioning “when”. I can see it’s a belief or “conceptual belief”. You really cleared this up.

 It’s YOUR sincerity and earnestness that is the real thing…

What by your pointers also has been noticed is that the Presence- Awareness is seen in everyone and everything (at some times at least). In these moments I feel a tremendous freeing and  “relief”. There is nothing to be done! WHO can do anything? Still it’s also puzzling and a lot of stuff is going on but to WHO I really wouldn’t know. And even that feels freeing somehow.

All good!

The sentence “let’s get this done” also dropped like a bomb (excuse me for putting it like this, I mean it in the most positive way). It made me laugh thinking; YES! I will (WHO will) stay with the basics, your words I have soaked in. Indeed It is amazing that this all unfolds out of nowhere, that I came across your videos. I really feel so grateful for that!

 That’s the same here … the gratitude that is “felt” for 'Sailor' Bob and John Wheeler. And to Nisargadatta Maharaj … “the Source” so to speak.

So again Charlie, thank you so much!  I AM says “I love you too!” to I AM!

This all sounds bang on. Stay in touch as Aliveness moves "you" to :-)


14 November 2007

The Never-Ending Spiritual Con Game

HJH Writes, You probably know the simile of the salt doll nearing and finally entering the ocean, dissolving in it. The doll stands for the individual soul, whereas the ocean stands for the Self or unlimited consciousness. Once dissolved, the returning cycle of reincarnation comes to an end.

There never WAS any "reincarnation." That's a belief the ego-mind adopts out of fear it will die and be no more. LOOK: There is no person; find this out on direct investigation rather than believing hearsay from dead (OR "living") con men and women. There is nothing “incarnating” That is a totally FALSE belief in a dream-story and the metaphor of the salt doll is merely a description of an apparent process. Ultimately, it’s bullshit. Or imagination. Whichever you prefer

Now there are trustworthy people like Siva Baba or Maitreyi Amma, who state, they had several incarnations as fully realized beings; or being on earth in the 3rd incarnation since thousands of years, never falling out of oneness. The latter is a private statement of Maitreyi Amma.

Wow. HUGE Con Job going on there. Trustworthy!? NOT ON YOUR LIFE. There’s NO WAY these con artists are “trustworthy!”

Here is a simple “Litmus Test” for whether or not a person (in robes or not, male or female, Indian or American or British or any other race) is “enlightened: ASK them. If they say they are, they are NOT.

ALL that crap they spout is a bullshit story! I have been with the so-called siva baba and he's clearly a fake. This ego-bound claim of having had "several incarnations" as "enlightened beings" is an utter load of crap. These con men and women take advantage of an ignorant gullible suffering seeker and all the seeker gets is an empty bank account plus a lot of crap beliefs… and the suffering continues unchecked. (Been there done that got the t-shirt. NO Joy.)

Why does suffering continue? Because, the root cause of suffering … the belief in a self apart from the Whole… is going uninvestigated. These fakes will never be able to set you free, simply because you are already Freedom Itself and you can NOT “become” what you already are … Timeless Formless Space-Like Being-Awareness-Aliveness … just That. NOTHING else is REAL. Only That which never changes ... Being Itself ... is Real. See this right now and the search ... and all your suffering ... is OVER.

NOW HEAR THIS ... THERE ARE NO ENLIGHTENED BEINGS. There is ONLY BEING. NOT Two, NOT "incarnate," this Being is No Thing. What is there in No Thing to become some thing called an enlightened person? Utter crap. And “you” will NEVER get “enlightened.” Nobody awakens, nobody is liberated. You can’t “get” what already IS. This Being-Awareness is Impersonal and NOT two, NOT an object, NOT a subject, NOT a knower, NOT “Knowable.” Not even “oneness:” That just another bullshit concept! Full Stop.

Anyone who claims they are enlightened or dwelling in oneness or any other such dualistic bullshit story is merely posturing for some gain ... getting adulation from followers, or avoiding having to work by subtly demanding "dakshina" (money!) … or on some other ego trip.

If one applies the simile, the question comes: How could the dissolved ego become a salt doll or ego again? How is a merged one … having no free will, but [being] choiceless awareness … able to incarnate as an avatar?

This is wonderful to see … Pure Being arises as Intelligence-Energy and calls these con men and women on their racket! Really wonderful!

To the rational mind another question comes: This process could only happen, if there was something left, which did not dissolve completely. Or in other words, each person keeps the personality forever.

There is NO person to “keep” or “discard” any “personality. There is nothing “left” because there is nothing NOW.  The “person” does NOT exist! It’s all a dream. Imagination. This questioning does NOT come from a “mind,” rational or otherwise… this excellent challenge comes from Intelligence-Energy which arises BEYOND “mind’ or “heart” of  “man.”

What is Your explanation, if it is possible to express one at all?

Ultimately, the explanation is irrelevant. WHO asks these questions? Who are YOU? What is REAL and ETERNAL?

You are quite right to question all this phony spiritual stuff. But finally we must question the questioner, the "one who asks and wants to know or understand.” The question you can ask yourself is, Who AM I? And where is the knower of all knowing? Is there one?

There is no becoming something called an "enlightened being." That's an oxymoron!  There is no "avatar." There are no "sages." All there is is Being ... and not even that.

Stay out of these stories and just BE.


1. Refuse to give credence to ALL  thoughts (and feelings) except one: I AM.

2. Refuse to pay attention to ALL “your” questions except one: WHO AM I? (NO answer is taken on board. Or only this" I don't know!") Ask until there is no questioner and no question left!

Stay With Unknowing Being ... I AM. Full Stop.

You (the Real You) are doing "Good work," HJH. Please feel free to stay in touch, and to share this message and these pointers with friends and colleagues. The sincere, earnest seeker deserves better than an empty con game.


14 November 2007
This Is NON-Conceptual and Absolutely Unknowable
GH Writes, When we ask, do we exist? We answer yes, because we can not say that we don't. Doesn't this answer come from the imaginary transient dreamer's perspective? If oneness contains both no-thing and everything, couldn't it be said that both are real or unreal? I'm stumbling on this.
The direct and NON-coceptual (!!) know-ing (know ING-ING) is PRIOR to the thought or feeling yes. This YES-NESS is the Silence and Stillness that IS Prior to the mental construct of "yes." This YES is neither real nor unreal. All there is is the silence of yes and not even that. There is nothing for the mind to grasp in this.
Existence IS and You Are That. NOT a concept! NOT a feeling. THAT. One-without-a-second.
Now: What is the SOURCE of this YES-Ness Yess-ING? And where is the Source of Source?

13 November 2007 (Updated at 3 PM)


Why Go See Tony If Your Search Is Done?


Q.S. Asks, I see where you are going all the way to Ireland to meet Tony Parsons. Why would you need to do that if the search is over for you, as you are expressing on your website and in your videos?


Fair question. Actually it's way simpler than the mind would have you believe: "I" am NOT going to Ireland. Going to Ireland is apparently happening (and we don't know that it will actually happen! This bodymind may keel over dead tomorrow! Or the connecting flight in Chicago might get snowed in and cancelled! Who knows?  It will happen if it happens ... or not!) At any rate, this trip ... if it does happen ... is absolutely pointless! There is nothing to get in Ireland and no one to get it.


Now, in "relative terms," A) Ireland is where my roots are and there's long been an urge to touch that bit of earth and lift a Stout in celebration of the Freedom of Being-Awareness-Aliveness. And,  B) Tony is a really neat guy and one of my dearest friends. I do love his uncompromising expression too, and there will likely be some pointers that will come out in future meetings here that clarify the nature of all this, BUT the main "reason" (which the mind seems it must have ... a 'reason!) ... is, simply, FUN. Thanks to some generous people who have donated to keep this message happening, the funds are available and the "time" seems right. And what was most interesting here is watching as the fingers clack on a keyboard and a ticket is bought, a hand picks up a phone and a room and a space in Tony's meeting is booked ... all just happening spontaneously, nobody does anything, everything happens all by itself. The idea of "someone doing it" is a conceptual overlay on what IS and is merely a commentary, irrelevant and immaterial!


So anyway, the pointer is, nobody is going nowhere to see no-one and drink nothing. Roll THAT one up and smoke it, dear boy! It's all just a celebration of Being-Aliveness-Love and only that. Don't add meaning where none exists! (Not that "you" are actually the "doer" of that, either!)


Good question. Thanks! Now let me ask YOU: Are you still suffering? is there still some searching for peace or happiness happening where "you" are? If so let's talk.


Stay with the "basics." What are you? Do you know? Are you being? Can you ever not BE? Ask the two big questions:


1. Do I Exist? Knowing I AM is absolute and undeniable.

2: Where is a "me" apart from Totality? Can I find "anyone" in this organism?


Follow-up: Okay, I get that but it seems like this ego-bound person that resists pain and seeks pleasure and comfort comes back and blocks this awareness of being. I hate that! I am really tired of this flipping in and out of pure consciousness... I often feel like I am a prisoner in my mind and I want out for good.


Right. That's what happened here also. There is no way out ... you are not doing this, it is happening, there is NO control over any of that anywhere, no-one is doing it ... and the suffering is the belief (only a belief and a fasle one) that what is happening happens to "you." Have you really investigated this idea of being the "owner" or "actor-doer" of  these happenings? Sounds like there is a belief that there ought to be permament peace of mind and that is NOT gonna happen ever. This Peace of your True Self is beyond the mind and heart of man (or woman.) What I suggest is, as long as you believe in this "you," put that "you" to the task of this investigation into this: Start from the brute fact that what YOU really are is BEING and that is inescapable. Then see if you find this "I" as a solid real "thing" that is saying "I" this and "I" that, while avoiding looking ino that "I" to see if it is actually real and in charge here! So keep looking ... and as best you can let go of trying to fix or change anything. "Speakin' words of wisdom, let it be. .. let it BE." -The Beatles



13 November 2007

Is There No End To Suffering?

D.R. Asks, I am simply ordinary being-conscious aliveness.  OK, staying with this. But then the suffering continues.  A while back you said to simply come back to I AM, but doing that simple thing, suffering is still there. The "end of suffering" - is this just another mind-concept illusion and in reality, there is no end to suffering?

The root cause of  all suffering is the belief in a "person," an "entity" with control or will to alter or modify or correct what is arising ... and looking into that can happen ... then it is seen (by no-one) that there IS no such "controllng entity" ...

The happening of that is NOT by will. Only Being arises as The One ... looking into itself nakedly ... examining the false to see it as false. Being IS. That Thou Art. Try to get away from being! Can't be done.

The person is false. That Thou Art NOT.  Re-discover that and the search is over ... for no-one. This cannot be grasped or conceieved. Let go of grasping, striving and comprehending this ... The final seeing is that All there is is Being and not even that.


12 November 2007
What Is There For No-one To Say About No-one?
A.D. Asks, I hear you are off to Ireland to hang out with Tony Parsons. What do you feel that Tony offers versus the other so-called teachers? 

Well, to "me" ... There is simply NO compromise in Tony's pointing. The ideas of being someone attaining something .. the beliefs in "me" and "becoming" .. are just NOT given any weight ... and there is also an Energy-Aliveness that is palpable. However THAT aspect ... what I call Being-Consciousness-Aliveness ... so to say ... is no different than what is "felt" palpably, when being with John Wheeler or John Greven or 'Sailor' Bob Adamson, whose pointing to both what is real and what is false helped immensely in seeing what Tony points to... Ultimately of course,  it is, after all is "said and done," Just The One Taste... and there are clearly many effective expressions of That which is inexpressible!

So what is there for no-one to say about no-one?? Ha!

I just totally love Tony, always have since the "beginning."

       ... and Bob, and both Johns, and ... it's like ... I don't know ... Family.


12 November 2007

"You" Are The Illusion

J.A. Writes, I'm making great headway in removing myself from a dualistic perspective...

Really? Are "you" doing that? Or is Being ItSelf happening as that?

...but I have a couple of questions for you if that’s OK?

Of course!

I just need to clarify a few points so I can get them firmly embedded in my understanding.

Understanding is the booby prize!! WHO understands? If you get this, you didn’t get it. If you don't get it, it gets you. You (the REAL “You,” not the false idea of “you as a person”) ARE this. THIS is Being-Consciousness-Aliveness ... THIS is One without a second. You do NOT get what you ARE. You ARE ... and that is "It."

1. If a tree falls in a forest and no-one hears it, has it actually happened?

Nothing happened. No observer? No tree no forest no thing. Being IS that No Thing. This abides in Consciousness as Not Knowing.

… i.e. is consciousness absolutely required in order to say something has occurred?

Yes, of course. Consciousness is the "awareness aspect" of being ... That … “Presence-Awareness” …  is the non-conceptual empty seeing hearing knowing. Then what arises IN That is a sense of "being me" and apart from the whole. The imagined entity. It’s unreal, a belief only, totally insubstantial, non-existent when looked for. Try to find a separate entity with any control or will to intend, know, change or realize, and you always come up totally empty handed (and blessedly empty-headed!)

You might as well be seeking the man in the moon!

AND, utterly paradoxically! … ALL of that appearance IS Aliveness, the Sport of The One so to say... Aliveness-Consciousness-Being IS and NOT Two.

2. Are all perceptions of the world merely illusions?

"You," the one asking this, are the illusion! What we call "perceptions" are ACTUALLY "projections" emanating from Being arising as Consciousness appearing as all this "stuff." The primary illusion is "me" and "other." AND THAT TOO is Being, Be-Ing That ...  

3. Exactly what is real in your view? ...

There is no person to “own” ANY "view," neither "here" nor "there" (also here.) The false assumption the mind makes is, it is a person called "me" and there is a person called "charlie." That is a false premise so the answer must also be false when the premise is false. THIS is... Nothing, Being Everything.

Exactly what is real in your view? ... The formless world behind phenomena or just sense perceptions?

What is REAL is That which never changes: Being. Being IS and "states" like being awake, being asleep, being in a dream arise IN Being. This is NOT TWO. Form and Formless are Being One-then-two-then-One. It's a dance! Call it a "two-step!" LOL...

No epiphany as yet but I'm working on it. LOL

There will be an epiphany or not. That is said only so long as there is a false belief in "time." WHO cares? When is there other than NOW? And if that does happen, it’ll be horrible because that will inevitably be mistaken for this Perfect Ordinary Unknowable Being-Aliveness that is being pointed to as your True Nature.

All there is, is Being. As It Is. You ARE... so stop right now and SEE that you undeniably ARE, Being, so that, BE-ING, MUST be what you actually eternally are. Drop the stories of “me” and “other’ like the sack of crap that they are and BE.

·  Ask YOU … Do I exist? Undeniably A Silent YES.

·  Ask You: Where is this “me?” Absent!

·  Being This is NOT “Knowing.”

Finally: All there IS, is Be-Ing, and not even THAT. That’s called LOVE. So, “I” love “you.” Full Stop!


12 November 2007
Unknowable Means Unknowable - So Simple!
Follow-up from Z.S. - "I" am no longer searching for anything anymore.   The very idea of that is silly.  It's always been silly. Your latest video was GREAT, as well.  It's really important to point out that this is not some miracle cure for what we imagine to be personal problems and attitudes.  It doesn't fix the person here, it just makes it completely irrelevant.  As it's always been.  Sadness, fear, pain, etc.  All of it is seen as rich and colorful.  Also the ideas of "this is not enough"  "Not quite there yet"  is something I can't even make arise if I try.  It just makes no sense.  I AM, what else is there?  What more would there be? Or what less?  Ridiculous. This moment contains I, which is unknowable.  Unknowable MEANS unknowable. So damn simple.

That's IT. Welcome "back" to The home You Never Left.
Love ya, Z.

11 November 2007
Stay With The Simplicity Of This
D.R. Writes a follow-up: OK. I'm 100% finished with the bullshit. And I apologize for being a such hurtful little shit to you, Charlie (I saw the video). Thank you for your brutal honesty. I am sincere. I feel like I want to ask you something, but for once, I am at loss for words and not able to articulate well.
Just stay with the simplicity:
1. You are Ordinary Being-Consciousness-Aliveness. Nothing special about that.
2. You are NOT anything but That.

11 November 2007

Let The Oblivious Emptiness Show You Its Fullness

Follow-up from B.P. - Trying to equate such radiant qualities as ALIVENESS-BEING-PRESENCE-AWARENESS with UTTER OBLIVION=ZERO is clearly impossible ?  Is this the paradox, that they are one and the same ?

Yes. Now, stay with that oblivious nothingness and allow That to show you its Fullness.

I know what you are going to say . . .

You DO? I DON’T! Really, do you ever know what your next thought will be, and do you really know what any seeming “other” is going to say or do … ever?

(You’re going to say) I might as well give up this line of questioning because 'I' will never get this !

Actually what is appearing to be said, is a question for you: WHO is this “I”? Where IS this “me” that is going on asking and searching and trying to get this and own it?

It makes feel as though I’m at a dead end with absolutely nowhere to go. . . a rather depressing place to be.

It is depressing to the mind-identity (the “me” called B.P.)  that makes this vast meaninglessness “MEAN something about me.” What is longed for and at the same time avoided like the plague is the absence of that striving, self-centered “me.”

Much appreciated, Charlie. . . . . or should I say thanks for "NOTHING" ?  (I mean that in the nicest possible way.)

That’s clear, as is the earnestness and good humor that is allowing the deepest seeing to arise there. Keep looking in these simple ways:

Do I exist? YES, before the mind-me IS, I AM … Existence-Aliveness ItSelf.

Where is a separate “me?” Cannot be found. Therefore what is REAL is I AM – Being-Consciousness-Aliveness. I am NOT anything apart from That and never was.

Follow-up: Thanks very much for that, Charles. I mean it

Hey BP, De Nada!!
Love ya.


11 November 2007

This Silence Sings with the Song Of Life

B.P. Writes, having followed you and your message, video's, etc for some time now. I fully accept everything that you say, except for one small thing that continues to trouble me.

Please, this is NOT about accepting ideas from “another.” It’s about YOU looking where the pointers point, NOT buying yet another load of concepts and making some new “religion” out of this simple pointing and sharing.

I hear it repeatedly said by yourself and others of a similar mind that the permanent Awareness that we are, is present even during dreamless sleep (which it would obviously have to be).

What “mind?” What we are pointing out is BEYOND “mind.” Mind is only a single thought, “I”, misconstrued as a solid and real “thing” apart from the Whole.

Awareness is NOT aware of itself or anything else. A better word might be, BEING. Being is that which IS. Awareness gets misconstrued as being a subject aware of objects. That’s a perversion the mind uses to avoid the directness of the pointing to the Real (Being, Only That, One without a second); and the disassembly of the false (concepts of  "separateness," of "I", or "me;" and "time," and "location.") 

What concerns me is that there appears to be nothing but utter oblivion when I am in dreamless sleep or under anesthetic. An event which I only know existed because I eventually regain awareness and only then realize that a blank period must have passed. 

What concerns me:” Therein is the root of suffering: The concept of a separate actual entity called “me!”

That “utter oblivion” IS the True-Nature of Being, your Eternal Self. “THIS,” UNKNOWING BEING contains ALL and That, being the ONE, cannot “know itself” … any more that the SUN can “see” or “know” itself … yet THAT, Being, arises as Consciousness (I AM) and then in a kind of sudden-death-sport, misidentifies itself as the thought “I” and therein begins the suffering, as the Timeless Being has seemingly been obscured by a thought taken on board as “me’ and there arises with that belief, “other-than-me.”

The wondrous paradox in all this is that This, Unknowing Being, is empty and meaningless yet full with throbbing thriving ALIVENESS. That, Aliveness, IS the Real You. We could call that Unbounded Being-Loving and nothing but That. That Silence sings with the Song Of Life; that Emptiness throbs with the ever-expanding Fullness Of Loving Being, Presencing ItSelf for It's own Unreasonable Joy. Aliveness Just That!

I recall J. Krishnamurti once saying that he remained present and aware even during deep sleep. Am I missing something obvious here, or is this something that ‘develops’ with increasing presence?  

That’s a misinterpretation: A "true sage” would never claim “he” as a “personal entity” “remained present and aware.” As it’s seen here … what JK is pointing TO is that Being is never absent. Poetically a so-called “sage” might say, as Nisargadatta did, “I am awake when I am asleep.” I would say the same, but clarify it this way: Being, Awareness-Aliveness, IS... and THAT is “Awake In Sleep.” That IS Aliveness, THAT beats the heart and breathes air in and out in deep sleep, as It also always does when there is awake-ness … Consciousness OF being. THAT BEING can only be “known” as a concept and the concept is NOT the actuality of Being-As-Itself. “States of Consciousness" (waking, dreaming, sleeping) arise IN That Being-Aliveness Itself…

Don’t get too caught out by concepts, including this bunch of concepts, though: LOOK where the pointers point. You will NEVER get this “figured out.” In fact “you” will NEVER “get this. You ARE This.

There is NO “increasing presence." Presence IS. Can Awareness “become” more aware? Can Presence “become” more present? This is the belief in time (“becoming”) and the belief in the "False Entity Appearing Real (that's FEAR!) -- believing in subject-object separateness of awareness and objects of awareness, that foils (seemingly not actually) the clear seeing that Presence is ever-Presencing and Awareness is ever-Awaring. Note the ING. Living being presencing awaring. This is the unmanifest Be-ING and THAT is express-ING as I AM, the world is, and we appear as two. But that two-ness is merely a mental construct: “I” and “Time” and “Location” are concepts taken to be real only by inadvertence, ignorance (ignoring Being and accepting concepts in place of the actual.)

Keep looking where the pointers point. Stay in touch until there’s no-one to ask a question or seek or do anything. That Unknowing Gift of Being ItSelf is what you are; don’t trade that for thoughts and beliefs in separation and suffering. That’s like selling a diamond for the price of spinach!


08 November 2007

I Don’t Know If I’ve Got It

F.J.A. Writes, How are you seeing that there is no I? Are you seeing this by looking at the thoughts and "staying out" of the mind, watching it happen, these up-popping thoughts from nowhere - is this the only "level" of it? Because I want to believe that I’ve got it, but I don’t know if I got it.

That’s easy. You don’t and never will! The “you” that wants to get it is a thought … the thought “I.” That’s all there is to get.

When I stay out of the mind it feels like this is the only place that is common, but there is always a kind of a effort to "get there", to get to nowhere. It is like I am entering that mode and can not stay in it, and if I would stay in it forever, maybe I would dysfunctional fall apart.

Can you hear that mind-assertion that this “I” is really who you are? This conviction that you are a separate “person” that is referenced by the word “I?”

Is the "satisfaction" in the realisation and exploration of this looking just by looking at the mind arising? It feels like a very unstable state. It feels like I’m going to have a nervous collapse any time, because of all the observation. I have these HUGE alienation-feelings sometimes which goes along with this seeing. It feels like I am an outer-space man watching things going on. I feel alienated from all people. It also feels good, it feels like pure me.

Good enough so far.

But, all people around me... they are not seeing it at all. It is like they are lost in self-stimulation and need to think all the time to maintain. (Yeah, and me also). But .. is it like this?

That’s false. There are no “others.” “Other” is a concept, as “I” is a concept. These arise together as “I/other” and THAT is the believed-in “person” apart from the whole. It’s all imagination and NOT the Real. The Real is That which never changes. Dwell as That and Only That. THAT is represented by the mind in language as the thought “I Am.” And the thought is NOT the actual. The thought “I” is insubstantial and at the same time only appearing to be “apart” from Awareness Itself.

It is like I exist as a ongoing changing developing becoming mind-figure, with dreams and analysis and curiosity for a different kind of knowledge, and all that, and at the same time I doesn’t exist at all. Is it possible to combine these two world-views?

NO. There is NO combining, it is already always One.

There is trouble combining those. But I think it is possible?

WHO thinks? That’s the ignorance … believing “I think.” That “I” is itself only a thought that comes and goes. Drop the fixation on that as what “you” are like the sack of crap that it is. Therein IS the root of all suffering. See this right now.

It just feels so alienating and insecure. It feels like I can do anything, and do it so damn good, by just flow with flow. For example, I am a musician and all kind of music are mostly just so un-alive and full of a clutched tempo and I really want to do crazy alive music and performing stunts of aliveness and jump all over the place. But it feels at the same time I need some kind of advice of someone like you. It feels like I am in a psychosis, but at the same time I can whenever I want to get into this "habit of watching the thoughts come and go" and the psychosis isn’t there anymore. It is like SO STRANGE!!

Investigate and find if this “I” is actually a separate “person.”

I use you like a bathroom right now. It feels awful and quite good. But.. I think I want to ask this question. Thanks for reading and hopefully a answer for ME to READ. Adios! (more)

Keep looking with these simple pointers. Watch the videos and e-mail if you like. I love you.


11 November 2007
Stillness ... Big Grin
Follow-up from R.H. ... Thanks for your reply to my earlier email. Even more though, thanks for putting the Zak  phonecall up. It's so great. Big silly grin laugh out loud great!!
And we thank Zak for his generosity and his authentic, sincere "looking and seeing"!

"Who is confused""....."Me"....."Where is the Me?"...."Here"..."Where is Here?" ....................................... That was priceless!

F.E.A.R.  "False Entity Appearing Real" ... How cool is that! No more seeking necessary now, or now, or now! 
I AM, 
Stillness.....then: Me, then: observation, then stillness....  big grin!
Yep! :-))
Can't express it in an email now can I!
No ... BUT ... this is pretty damn good anyway!
Enjoy the Now. Love ya!

11 November 2007
This Is It!
Follow-up from J.T. I  just watched your most recent video [on crazy e-mails and the organism's 'programming'] and the inquiry struck home.  I think many of us--and this was certainly the case for me--are drawn to the spiritual search because it seems to promise perfection.  If I just meditate, observe my thoughts, practice the right diet, etc., I'll attain enlightenment.  One imagines a life free of anger and tears.
Yes, there are endless "myths of enlightenment. They are all bullshit!
But here's the funny thing.  Some of the most respected sages, including Krishnamurti and Nisargadatta Maharaj, got cranky sometimes! Even with the "understanding," as you put it, there are still feelings!  In fact, feelings are more powerfully felt when there is no attempt to filter them.
Exactly. Very well said!
Anyway, thanks for the video.  It was something I needed to hear. 
I am glad it hit home for you. That's what can happen when the earnestness and sincereity is there. Thanks for being REAL.

11 November 2007


The Ventriloquist's Dummy Will NEVER "know" The Ventriloquist


D.R. strikes again … like a rattlesnake: Criticising John Wheeler's essay and the video wherein I share that, she says: Consider THIS (or not) and feel free (or not) to share with those who email pure drivel to which I AM responds with equally hilarious tripe (I AM such a mean little shit! But I prefer the term Feisty ONE). Here IT IS:  "You" are driving down the highway. Very suddenly IT IS 10 minutes later. 15, 20 minutes, what ever. What happened to those 10 or 15 minutes? "You" (who does not exist) doesn't remember the "lost" non-existent time. What happened to IT? Where did IT go? I have experienced this …..


Blah blah blah, all about “I!” She does not see that “experience” is NOT what is being pointed to! So this ignoramus continues for paragraph after paragraph of “enlightened-ego” bullshit. And as to those two “terms” she uses as her self-concept, I’m going with the  first … a “mean little shit.”

My response to her is: “Don't bother me with any more of your bullshit. Don't e-mail me again until you are sincere and are about ending your suffering. I’m done with you, lady. Piss off.” That was sent last night and her e-mail address was put into the “twit filter.”

“Sailor” Bob Adamson essentially told me get lost at one time, when I was being disrespectful and “egoing” on him trying to pass off some crap like like this, as D.R. is doing. THAT was wonderful! Like Nisargadatta before him, Bob is wonderfully REAL and nothing is filtered thorough some phony need to “be nice.” The ones who have seen the falseness of the “egoic entity” and no longer give it any energy are not “careful!” They are, quite simply, authentic. Aliveness doesn’t filter; only a mind-bound ignorant one such as D.R. would give a shit. And of course Bob never "gave up" on "me" in actuality. How could One "give up" on One? So "later" there was much laughter about all that!


There is NO controlling "personal will" involved here, OR in “her,” there is only Aliveness, and that includes her ignorant expression, and all the associated feelings and thoughts about that, and the “reaction” of “piss off!” and so on. Life living itself through rattlesnakes and Sailor Bobs.  Yee ha! Rock on. This Peace that IS LOVES it all as it is. WHO does not see this?


The ventriloquist's dummy will NEVER "know" the ventriloquist. "Stupid IS as stupid DOES" (- the 'modern sage' Forrest Gump) ...





      ”Well, words are always in battle, they are dualistic... based on subject-object. It is possible to analyse everything that is said and expose the futility of verbal expression on this subject... but it is a shallow activity born of the frustration of not being able to sense where the words are pointing." - Tony Parsons


10 November 2007
The Absence of A Doer is a Fact, Not A Decision
J.T. Follows Up with, "There is no doer!"  This statement used to confuse me, because if there is no doer, how will things get done?  If I don't have the power to do anything, will I start living in a sloppy, careless manner? Then it dawned on me.  To make or not make an effort is still a choice. I think you're saying, by all means, use the body and mind, but simply stop referring to a psychological "me."
Seeing that there is no doer is not a decision or a concept. This arises as the doe is looked for and found to actually be absent. All that is found is a thought "I" or "me" that seems to be "the one doing" but is actually only an idea appearing in mind, and 'mind' is merely thoughts appearing in space-like being-awareness. That "me" thought is not always there; and there is NO "me" or "doer" in deep sleep "doing" breathing etc. What never comes and never goes? Even in deep sleep? That is what needs looking into there where "you" seem to be.

09 November 2007
I AM Is Never Changing 
Follow-up from F.J.A: Well. I am, and thats different all time. I dwell in that.
That is ignorance. I AM is NEVER changing! The "me" you believe and take yourself to be is ALWAYS changing. I AM is NOT a concept. IT IS. Awareness Being Aliveness, ever fresh yet never changing EVER. Don't take a concept to be the actual. You may as well try to drink the word water.

09 november 2007

Paradise: I had It then I Lost It 

R.H. Writes, I just wanted to say thank you for posting your inspiring videos on YouTube. I haven't managed to watch all of them yet but what I have seen is wonderfully clear and simple.

You are very welcome. It happens… no-one does the “YouTubing” and no-one watches … it happens. That’s all there is to see or know… everything happens to no-one.

Over the years I have been a 'seeker', searching for a way to re-create an experience that happened to me as a teenager: I was at a public swimming pool, sitting on the side dangling my legs in the water when suddenly something happened, my focus changed.

Focus shifted. Did YOU “DO” that? Or did that happen? And were you EVER not being before, during and after that “shift” happened? Were you not always Being? Being-Awareness never went missing either before or after that “shift,” did it? And don’t you see that “the shift” was an appearing-arising happening right IN that Being-Awareness? Have you ever escaped from Being-Awareness-Aliveness? NO. See that THAT IS what You ARE, and the search ends right now, but RIGHT NOW

Everything became absolutely perfect.

Everything IS Perfect. It didn't "become" perfect nor did it ever "become" imperfect. That's the story told by a false "person" called "me."

The pool, the noisy kids, the buildings outside, the road sounds, everything was so beautiful. I was watching people with no judgment at all. Now I have never forgotten this wonderful experience, that lasted about 15 minutes. It's never happened again.

This was the worst thing that could happen, in a way, because now there is a belief that “I” had that and “I” lost that. Been there done that got the t-shirt! In “my” case, in a “time” instant called 1975 and another called 2002 that lasted about 15 days.That brings No Joy! There was much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth: “I” had Paradise and “I” lost it! It’s seemingly horrid.

BUT: What’s being missed (as you do see later on) is that this” experience” is the ABSENCE of the FALSE BELIEF in a person called me, myself, I. AND, that all experiences come and go in That which NEVER comes and goes … that cinema-screen-like, empty, attributeless, Being-Awareness, Presence of Awareness, Awareness of Presence, whichever label you dig … in short, YOU AS clear and empty BEING and ONLY THAT. All that happens to seemingly obscure That which IS ever-fresh and ever-present as Being Itself is the happening of a “case of Mistaken Identity” … we take the thought “I” or “me” to be the Real Me and ignore that fact that Empty Timeless Being is what we actually are, and that never either comes along OR goes away. “It IS … what is … always so.

Some years ago I started reading about non-duality and found that others have had very similar experiences. What they talk about sounds familiar to me. I read a book called 'Spiritual Enlightenment the Damnedest Thing" by Jed McKenna and that was a revelation. It introduced me to the idea that there may not be a me after all.


From there I devoured many books on the subject but Jeff Foster’s book [“Life Without A Centre”] kicked me into a 'second stage.'

There are NO “stages!” What “me” was “kicked anywhere!?” That’s a folk tale, a story (a tale told by an idiot, filled with sound and fury, signifying…. Nothing!)

Then I discovered Jeff’s videos on YouTube and in one of them he says that people are often searching to recreate an experience from the past and they never will, because it's the 'I' that was very thing that wasn't present during the experience.

Exactly correct!

Bam! I suddenly realised where I've been going wrong  all this time. It's always been ME searching.

Okay! Now, just see that this continues in ignorance, as the “I” thought shows up herein claiming “I” suddenly realized…etc.”

Then, from Jeff's videos, I found yours. You have really helped as you explain it really simply. So, (and here's the point of this rambling email) now I intellectually understand what's going on: There is no I because the concept of I is just a bunch of thoughts arising from.... nowhere, and so there can't be anything 'I' can be sure of. There is awareness, but it is beyond the ME. Everything is perfect, how can it not be?

Right on the markless mark.

Of course now I have a problem: The ME knows it's an illusion but it's the illusory ME that knows this, so really it knows nothing (catch 22). So I want to drop the 'I' but 'I' don't know how.

And the mind hates being No-thing - "perfect isness" - so it kicks up THIS fuss! WHO wants to “drop the “I”? Who IS this “I”? Where IS this “I” that believes IT is the problem and It must be dropped? WHO?” Give up all thoughts except one: I AM. Give up all questions except one: “Who Am I?

Of course now I have a problem: The ME knows it's an illusion but it's the illusory ME that knows this, so really it knows nothing (catch 22). So I want to drop the 'I' but 'I' don't know how.

WHO wants to “drop the “I”? Who IS this “I”? Where IS this “I” that believes IT is the problem and It must be dropped? WHO?” Give up all thoughts except one: I AM. Give up all questions except one” Who Am I?





It's like I can see this vast 'something' in my peripheral vision but when I turn to look it's gone. Arrgghh!

Nice description in a way, of the actuality of the Vast Nothingness. But: WHO is this "i" that says “it” "sees?" Where IS it? SEEING IS. There is NO se-er; that is a mental construction overlaid on see-ING itself. Look: That NO thing, that Gone-ness, IS what you actually ARE. THAT never actually came or went. IT IS. Full Stop! But when the mind tries to grasp and own that, then it’s incredibly frustrating, because a thought CANNOT grasp No-Thought, Being Itself As Itself.

Nisargadatta says 'meditate on the I AM.’ fine, but it's ME that's meditating so I'm up the creek from the start. YES

Not quite. Maharaj pointed out that “staying with” I Am and refusing all thoughts except that one-thought-pointer to the ACTUAL (NON-Conceptual Unthought Unborn Being-I-AM) is something that can happen. That is not quite a “practice” though it CAN appear that way. But so long as there’s a belief in a separate “you,” that “you” needs to actually do that and not merely think about that or talk about that.

This is so frustrating. Your videos are helping loads though. I am beginning to see small shafts of light through the veil. It's gonna be a long hard road though, because my 'I' is very strong.

WHO says all this? The ego-I claims it is SO strong. Look right now: This “I” is a thought; ONLY a thought! Can a thought ACTUALLY do - or not do - ANYTHING! What’s being ignored Ignorance) is the inescapable Being-Awareness that YOU ARE. You trade this Unborn Unbounded Being for a thought and then gripe about that! STOP.

It’s like Sri Ramana Maharshi (certainly one of the greatest "sages" of "our time,” along with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj) said:

You impose limits to your true nature of infinite Being,
Then, you get displeased to be only a limited creature,
Then you begin spiritual practices to transcend these nonexistent limits.
But if your practice itself implies the existence of these limits, how could they allow you to transcend them?

Let’s keep this REAL: I often refer to your True nature as Being-Awareness-Aliveness. An e-mail appeared today from someone I sat with years ago (in Southern California and at a retreat in Maui, Hawaii) that points to this Aliveness aspect of The One in a palpably powerful way:  

This aliveness we are talking about is worth investigating. It is here, in this moment. It is as close to you as your breath. In fact, your breath IS this Livingness. You do not have to remember to breathe. Your breath is literally breathing you. Stop reading the words on this page for a moment and investigate this phenomenon of breathing....

(If you did not stop, but simply read on to this sentence, I fully are a lot like me....however there REALLY is something to be seen in the stopping for a moment even if you are an "advanced" student and have examined your breath many times previously.)

Perhaps you were able to see the way in which your breath "just happens." You breathe even when you forget to breathe. There is a force here that operates independent of your decisions and intentions. It is this force that the Living Teaching is concerned with. It is this Life that is living you even to the extent that you falsely believe yourself to be living IT. - Wayne Liquorman

And my 'desire' to get to the end is refusing to piss off and let me (pardon my anguish...hey, I'm a brit, we swear a lot!)

Well, why the fuck do ya do that! LOL! Here, this “I” is not a brit but "it is a brat that swears a lot too!" That happens. WHO cares?

BUT NOW … LOOK: Do “you” (which is only a thought or a feeling-sense we call “me” in ignorance) ACTUALLY DO anything? Where is a doing-controlling “me?” IS there one? Look into that. And stay in touch until there is no-one left to stay in touch!


09 November 2007

All "Perceptions" Are Actually Projections Of The One Self

M. & B. ask, We were listening to your sample selection from "the gift of unknowing" and you said something that we are confused about.  What did you mean when you said that everything we see is already dead? We got the part about the thought already being DOA because by the time "we” think about it, it is already gone. 

1: Where is ANY “object” in Consciousness ItSelf UNTIL and UNLESS there is a thought or perception (perception being a very subtle form of thought-energy)? In other words a “we thinking.” Where is all that in deep sleep? In deep dreamless sleep Being IS and breathes the body, beats the heart, grows hair and nails etc... there is no thing, yet Livingness IS.

2: Where IS the “see-er”, the “hear-er”, this “we” that claims to see or hear? Can you actually find any such "entity?"

What are you? Can any changing appearance be the Real? What IS The Reality … and what is merely a dead appearance?

When I think of appearances in consciousness like the weather, trees, birds, life, all phenomenon, everything, it is appearing in the NOW fresh and new, is it not? 

This is a great question. First off, YES, of course. This is clear and if there is no suffering happening "there" where "you" are, we really need go no further. But since the question did arise, there is an answer ... also arising here and now in the Freshness of This!

Nothing that appears is “new;” it is already formed and the form is inert (dead) to the Forming Consciousness. And EVEN "NOW" is a concept and NOT the actual. As the Master Seng T'san pointed out, in This there is NO yesterday, NO tomorrow, NO TODAY. That is a subtle point and I would not put too much energy into “trying to figure it out.” Better to simply NOTICE that all that appears is appearing IN Being-Awareness-Aliveness and certainly IS aliveness itself IN ESSENCE. But what the mind does is take appearances to be solid and real because perception is not being noticed to be ONLY vibrating energy-intelligence and is taken by the mind to be solid. Quantum Physics has shown us that this appearance is NOT solid and NOT the Reality; the only Reality is Consciousness appearing as both form and formless. One Essence.

Ultimately all "perception" is, is Projection … Consciousness arises from Being and Projects out-of-itself into all forms, whilst remaining ever-fresh and NON-perceivable, UN-conceived NOT that Not That LOL! In short “we” are a “dreamed-character” “seeing” a "dream-world." Both are projections, or as Bob Adamson says, reflections of the Mirror (the Mirror being Being-Awareness appearing as Aliveness, but only always THAT is non-conceptual, eternal, formless, timeless Being ItSelf.) As the ancients of India pointed to it … what you see is myriad reflections OF The One and Only Self.... I AM.

What insight can you offer?

You Are That I AM and Only That. So, see how this pointing to the real and noticing the unreal AS unreal does, and stay with the direct Knowing, the ONLY Real Knowing, that YOU ARE. That, the NON-Conceptual Impersonal-Universal Being-I-AM, manifests as the thought "I am," and that "I am" is the clearest pointer-concept to the Actuality, the Real Unbounded Self that is what you and all that arises as "phenomenality" are … That is The Unborn Being-Awareness-Aliveness, akin to the empty cinema screen on which the dream-movie of “we and world” appears. THAT is inescapable and undeniable, yet unimaginable and ungraspable. The screen CANNOT see or grasp itself!

BE as You Are; don’t trade the Unborn Being-Presence for already-dead thoughts and sensations, perceptions and appearances. Stay in touch if other comments or questions arise.


08 November 2007
"I thought ..." WHO? Where is a Thinker?
Z.S. Follows up today with, You said the seeing nothing points to your true self.  Why is that not your true self? 
As long as the seeing is happening, that is Consciousness. Consciousness arises in BEING AS Awareness and Aliveness. These are not actually separate, yet there is distinctness. Ultimately all is ONE and these are ASPECTS ot This One. ALL there is, is Being-Awareness-Aliveness. THAT is what you are. Full Stop.
I thought the seeing nothing was the true self. 
WHO thought? That needs investigation: WHO THINKS? Where is a "thinker" There are thoughts happening. "I" is just a thought happening in Presence-Awareness and NOT what or who YOU Truly ARE... YOU are THAT Being-Awareness. Don't refuse to be That. Don't pretend to be other than That.
Do you say that because the truth can not be actually seen?  You can't see what you are, you can only be what you are?  Is that what you mean there?"

07 November 2007

Tell “Me” HOW “I” DO This!

ZS Follows up with, I know this sounds so stupid...But how?

Two answers: ONE, WHO ASKS HOW? Can you find the questioner apart from the question!!??

TWO: As Maharaj said, when the same question was asked of him, “refuse all thoughts except one; the thought ‘I am’.”

I can say "I am" to myself over and over like a mantra and nothing is really going on.

Exactly. That NO THING IS your True Nature. Only the mind, the false identity, wants “more” or “better than” or different” or “special states!”

I can't get a real mental grasp on this... I just can't see it.

That is impossible. You absolutely will NEVER “get a mental grasp on this!” That shows you that “the mind” can NEVER grasp the infinite I AM of Presence-Awareness. The mind is the thought-machine and that appears IN Presence-Awareness. The eye cannot see itself; the Awareness cannot see itself. It sees the mind, NOT the other way around.

I am...   I am…


I'm really trying here.

There it IS! “I AM really trying here” … REFUSE ALL after I AM. Like this: I AM really trying here. I AM really trying here. I AM really trying here. I AM really trying here. I AM. Stay with THAT ALONE. Drop what follows I AM and stay with I AM. That’s what Maharaj said to do; just that. I know it works. You must prove it to yourself. Follow the instruction EXACTLY.

I don't even know what it means... I am.

I AM! This IS. It does NOT “mean anything!” It’s empty and meaningless yet full with Being-Awareness-Aliveness, LOVING to just BE! This all is the mind resisting the simplicity of it. As Maharaj said, “the mind will rebel in the beginning.” THIS is all the mind rebelling! Notice that right now and come back to the saying with I AM. This does NOT mean ANYTHING! The mind is a meaning-hungry machine and all meaning leads to suffering! Stay with the simplicity of it.

Refuse other thoughts, that I can get, I think.

To repeat (it cannot be repeated too often), as Maharaj said, when the same question was asked of him, “refuse all thoughts except one; the thought ‘I am’.” You claim to be doing that but your expression reveals that you are NOT.

It’s NOT something that “you get.” It’s something that “you do” as long as you believe there is a “you” that is apart from the whole and can control anything. Use the illusion of control to do what Maharaj says to do! I AM IS. It’s WHAT IS: I AM. NOW: Where IS this “I” that says “I can get” or “I” think? You buy the crap the mind feeds you as it resists simply looking into this straight on and simply returning to that One Thought, I AM. Meanwhile LOOK into this space-like Awareness that is always here and now before, during and after all thoughts and sensations arising and SEE …WHERE IS any “controlling entity” we are calling "I" or "you" or “me?” WHERE IS IT?

I sit here and say "I am ________"  and I instantly see that whatever comes after I am actually isn't true. 

Yes. But you corrupt the natural ever-present SEEING ITSELF with the mind-claim "I instantly see" YOU don’t see this. IT IS SEEN BY NO-ONE! That’s the piece you are missing: There IS no “I” apart from AM and apart from ALL.

But to look at the "I am" part, nothing happens. I can't really look.  I can't see anything.  

This "Seeing Nothing" is directly pointing to your True Self. But again, WHAT IS THIS “I” that you INSIST is YOU!??

I close my eyes, I focus as hard as I can... and I can't even begin.  The phrase "I am" rings hollow and empty.  I might as well be saying "shazoom" or some other nonsense word.  

The mind is crazy! It corrupts a simple, direct Teaching coming from Oneness Nowhere and Everywhere and turns it into this pile of crap! And are you seeing that all these thoughts are the FAKE “you” trying like mad to avoid being “outed’ as the phony it is! If not LOOK at THAT right now!

You go on and on without actually looking … I! I! I! I! WHO!???

This is really the "issue" I have always had with this stuff, and until now I have not been able to articulate it. 

Okay. Now WHO is this that “has had issue” and where is this “time when ‘I’ had issue” and WHO  the bleep “can or cannot articulate it?” I! I! I! I! WHO!??? What is this IT and where is this ME? You suffer only because you don’t LOOK. You will NEVER “figure this out!” Give that one up NOW.

Just stay with the simplicity of this Do you exist? Yes, that existence itself is translated as the knowing of Consciousness, appearing as “I AM.” WHAT are you? ONLY THAT. I AM and NOTHING ELSE.

Did you miss the pointer NOTHING ELSE but I AM?

PS: It was also very helpful to me to have a direct communication with someone who has seen the nature of this and shares from that directly; that’s why I am so grateful to John Wheeler and ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson, who gave freely of their time and helped this to be seen once and for good. I strong suggest that we talk on the phone. I have Vonage and can call you if expense is a concern. Also there is no charge from me. E-mail your phone number and I’ll give you a ring.



07 November 2007

The Practical Application That Ends Suffering Right NOW

P.S. Writes, I have seen a lot of your videos lately on YouTube. I was looking for (another teacher), whom I really love, and came across you

Amazing, isn’t it, how this all unfolds out of Nowhere? I too love that teacher, AND there was something a little more practical in John Wheeler's and ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson's pointing to this Freedom, that seemed to actually let the ever-present Freedom emerge instead of that remaining as a goal or idea of a someday attainment for the person. This Freedom is the ABSENCE of “the person who wants freedom!”.

Somehow you have inspired me and there seem to be some glimpses so now and then of “that which never changes”.

Good to hear.

There is such a longing to just see and sometimes I wonder when will I see or “when will it be seen”. I’m even asking for it lately (in the open not addressing anyone)….

And right there in that paragraph lies the root of the root of the “problem” … the belief in a separate “I” that will endlessly “wonder when” and repeat that “I” am “asking.” WHO is ”asking?”  Where is this “time-other-than-now that the concept “when” refers to? What is this “I” and what is THAT referring to? This self-reference is a mistake in identity and nothing more complex than that!

The word “I” is a sound arising in Presence Awareness and is NOT there in deep sleep, NOR it that thought there when there is absorption like in driving a car or painting a wall. And the ever-fresh Being, Presence-Awareness, IS “That Which never Changes.” The lack of direct investigation let’s the false assertions of the seeker-mind, which mind is nothing more that a single one-letter thought-word pronounced like the sound in high (or EYE) … is NOT solid and NOT apart from that Awareness in which it happens. It’s a sound. WHO made that simple sound into a self-center, a “me?” It is an inadvertently adopted BELIEF and nothing more than that. See the belief AS a belief and it no longer troubles you.

Don’t really know why I’m mailing this but somehow it feels good!

That’s how it was for me in getting into communication with John Wheeler and ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson. It’s a function of I AM being with I AM (rather than a “person” talking and listening with “another person” talking and listening, which is the ignorance of self-centered thought, dualistic and false ultimately.)

Thank you so much!

You are most welcome. Now: Stay with the Basics:

1. I AM. You cannot deny that you ARE. This is known conceptually as I AM. And, this pure I AM of NON-conceptual Being-Awareness-Aliveness is POINTED to by that concept I AM. So STAY with that One Thought, I AM, and refuse to accept any other thought.

2. I AM NOT a THING Apart from this I AM. Look for a separate solid “entity” with ANY control or free will and you WILL come up empty-handed, but only ALWAYS. Who AM I? No Answer… WHERE AM I? Unfound nonexistent wow! That I AM is ALL I AM. Full Stop!

So in essence it can be said, I AM. WHAT AM I? I AM. The saying of it POINTS to The Infinity of Isness, Izzing. Being-Awareness-Aliveness, just THAT and nothing else.

Here is a link to a video that gets at this a bit more … … If you have not seen this yet give it some careful attention.

Stay in touch as Aliveness moves you to. Let’s get this DONE … ending seeking and suffering once and for good is possible now and that’s very good news, isn’t it!?

I AM says “I Love You” to I AM.


06 November 2007

Stay With The Basics

P.S. Writes, I have seen a lot of your videos lately on YouTube. I was looking for (another teacher), whom I really love, and came across you

Amazing, isn’t it, how this all unfolds out of Nowhere? I too love that teacher, AND there was something a little more practical in John Wheeler's and ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson's pointing to this Freedom, that seemed to actually let the ever-present Freedom emerge instead of that remaing as a goal or idea of a someday attainment for the person. This Freedom is the ABSENCE of “the person who wants freedom!”.

Somehow you have inspired me and there seem to be some glimpses so now and then of “that which never changes”.

Good to hear.

There is such a longing to just see and sometimes I wonder when will I see or “when will it be seen”. I’m even asking for it lately (in the open not addressing anyone)….

And right there in that paragraph lies the root of the root of the “problem” … the belief in a separate “I” that will endlessly “wonder when” and repeat that “I” am “asking.” WHO is
”asking?”  Where is this “time-other-than-now that the concept “when” refers to? What is this “I” and what is THAT referring to? This self-reference is a mistake in identity and nothing more complex than that!

The word “I” is a sound arising in Presence Awareness and is NOT there in deep sleep, NOR it that thought there when there is absorption like in driving a car or painting a wall. And the ever-fresh Being, Presence-Awareness, IS “That Which never Changes.” The lack of direct investigation let’s the false assertions of the seeker-mind, which mind is nothing more that a single one-letter thought-word pronounced like the sound in high (or EYE) … is NOT solid and NOT apart from that Awareness in which it happens. It’s a sound. WHO made that simple sound into a self-center, a “me?” It is an inadvertently adopted BELIEF and nothing more than that. See the belief AS a belief and it no longer troubles you.

Don’t really know why I’m mailing this but somehow it feels good!

That’s how it was for me in getting into communication with John Wheeler and ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson. It’s a function of I AM being with I AM (rather than a “person” talking and listening with “another person” talking and listening, which is the ignorance of self-centered thought, dualistic and false ultimately.)

Thank you so much!

You are most welcome. Stay with the Basics:

1. I AM. You cannot deny that you ARE. This is known conceptually as I AM. And, this I AM of NON-conceptual Being-Awareness-Aliveness is POINTED to by that concept I AM. So STAY with that One Thought, I AM, and refuse to accept any other thought.

2. I AM NOT a THING Apart from this I AM.

So in essence it can be said, I AM. WHAT AM I? I AM.

Here is a link to a video that gets at this a bit more … … If you have not seen this yet give it some careful attention.

Stay in touch as Aliveness moves you to. Let’s get this DONE … ending seeking and suffering once and for good is possible now and that’s very good news, isn’t it!?

I AM says “I Love You” to I AM.


06 November 2007
Stay With One Thought Only: I AM
L.R. Writes, I have been listening to your new audio with Melinda and Janet.  Awesome. Melinda is actually a friend of mine...we have been traveling in these circles for a while...She lives about 20 minutes away.  Anyway....those audios are excellent...You touched on some things that I didn't really think about before.

Happy to hear that! These generous people who allow their conversations about what is happening and how the “seeking” is unfolding are a great boon to all who strive to know their True Nature. They’re a profound gist to the world of time and form.

I e-mailed (a teacher is named) a while ago ...following up on the day I spent at a meeting in Sept.  The question was asked if I had every read the "Power of Now"........I had and I am revisiting that at the moment.  It seems there is a lot of thick headedness going on around here.

Dear One, Another book!?  .... O gawd … Well, Okay... OR you can drop all books into the fireplace, get warm, and simply stay with these two simple pointers:  

I AM. That is absolutely incontrovertible.


Be willing to drop ALL expectations, ALL knowing, ALL concepts, as they arise, stop and drop! Let all these concepts or feelings of time, separateness, "getting this," NOT getting this, "thick headedness" or any concept or experience apart from the ONE CONCEPT, "I AM" ...  drop! Stop all thoughts after I AM. Stay with that One Thought ... I AM ... only.

As Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj noted (I AM THAT, Chapter 8) ...”Refuse all thoughts except one: the thought ‘I am.’ The mind will rebel in the beginning, but with patience and perseverance it will yield and keep quiet. Once you are quiet things will begin to happen spontaneously and quite naturally, without any interference on your part.”

I offer this because I have tested this (seeming) practice and I find it to be absolutely as Maharaj says. In short, this works.  

I AM. Stop and add no more. I AM.

Give up ALL thoughts as they arise, all feelings as they arise, and think that one final concept: I AM.

Do this for a week … keep at it … and let the "thickheadeness" drop like the sack-of- crap thoughts-feelings-sensations that it is. And it would be a very good thing for us to talk. Call if you like.


06 November 2007
Follow-up from Z.S. - Just finished listening [to ], thank you.  I don't really have much to say.  


It's this mind, trying to balance, trying to ride a bike, trying to get used to complete freedom.  Still getting used to the fact that there is no point from which to be, but being, (or not being) is simply being prior to location or duality or non duality.  Prior to all.  Or not.  doesn't really matter.  All of this is like fireworks in the night sky.  Random and meaningless and beautiful.  




One question though, if it is, I am, always present, what changes when we "realize" this?  The experience of reality now, for instance, feels drastically different from the one last week.-  Wait.  Never mind.  Disregard that.  For a moment I was going along with the old mental habit of "here" and "there", of time.  



Nothing at all to say.


Ha! Great catch, Z! Welcome home!



05 November 2007
Don't Just "Agree or Disagree." LOOK!
Dennis Waite Responds: You seem to be saying that it is all so simple. We just ‘cut the crap’ and ‘do the investigation’ and all will be revealed. I think you need to be a bit more specific if anyone is to concede that you actually have a valid argument.


I have NO interest in such nonsense as a "valid argument." There are NO "valid concepts or arguments!” THIS is NOT about "agreement!!"


You say that “You limit yourself in language, the mind, therefore the investigation has to happen in the mind.” This sounds to me like you are admitting that our problem is one of ignorance and the only solution is knowledge. We agree entirely!


I repeat, I have NO interest in your agreement. Nor any “other’s” agreement!


And I am NOT saying that “the solution to ignorance is knowledge." That’s YOUR concept! I AM saying in essence that ALL our "knowledge” IS the ignorance -- the IGNORING of the FACT of Presence-Awareness as our True Nature, AND the habit of trading the Unborn Presence-Awareness  for thoughts and fancy spiritual notions … meanwhile the suffering continues because the root cause … the idea of a "me," a “knower” … goes on unchecked, and adds more and more beliefs in all this arcane “knowledge."


In direct NON-Conceptual Seeing-Awareness IT IS SEEN that ALL “knowledge" is FALSE because the “knower” is false. The knower is a concept and ultimately, UNREAL..


The question is: from where is this knowledge going to come? It cannot come from our own mind since the initial premise is that we are ignorant.


Actually the "initial (False) premise" is that "there IS" a "me" or a "we" and that "we" own a "mind." That is ALL based on one false premise, the belief in a "me" apart from the whole! That's akin to a belief in the earth being flat.


 The ‘inescapable Being-Awareness’ has always been ‘here and now always’ but the ignorance remains. Simply saying that this is the case is clearly insufficient. So what exactly is it that you are suggesting that the seeker do?

1. Start from the undeniable FACT that Existence IS.

2. LOOK. Actually LOOK FROM I AM TO I AM to see if a "separate entity" can be located. Rather than collecting ten thousand pages of pointers, LOOK where the pointers POINT.

If what you say is not amenable to reason (you say: “there are no valid concepts or arguments”) then why should anyone listen? 

“They” should not! If there is no interest in ending suffering there will be no real looking into this! THIS IS TOTALLY UNREASONABLE!!!!

If “the knower is false”, who is it who knows that?

Oneness Knows Nothing.

You say that what we should do is to “look... to see if a separate entity can be located”. Who is it that would be looking? If no such entity exists, what can it mean for you  to say ‘look’? Who is saying this?

Oneness. I AM.

Do you not see that none of what you say actually makes any sense?

Only a mind ... the idea of an "I" apart from the Whole ... wants This to "make sense."

To paraphrase Wittgenstein: All of these propositions must ULTIMATLEY be seen to be NONsensical.

NON-Sense is what IS. Sense is mind. That's all.

Now Dennis, YOU could stop and look. Why don't you? "Advaita-speak" just won't cut it, man! How about it? Shut Up And LOOK?

I am now disengaging from this. There is no interest here in “arguments that have nothing to do with THIS. Argue with yourself or look. That’s all there is. Full Stop.



04 November 2007

Drop The But!

J.B. Writes, Been enjoying your videos on YouTube and now, reading your newsletter.

Happy to hear that…

The question is in regard to bodily health.  Life feels like a roller coaster ride these days. I recently spent a day with Stephen Wingate. Suddenly, reading I AM THAT took on a new dimension.  "I" thinks there is more understanding.  Often, after a good satsang, the days following bring more 'resting' in the - who sees? 

Resting in Seeing? That’s an experience that arises IN the incontrovertible Ever-Present Seeing-Awareness ItSelf. And all experiences com and go. Seeing is That which never changes. Seeing THIS right now ends the search as all is seen as appearing IN this Presence-Awareness that you are.

Then, life gets busy and things cloud up again rather quickly. Sometimes, things really cloud up. Today was one of those days. Deep sadness arises and some tears as well.  And then, 'who?' in the midst of it all.

Then implies time. Now also implies time but the word “now” POINTS to this Timeless Awareness-Presence that IS The Seeing, what some call Consciousness Itself. As the word "here" POINTS to This that is unlocatable. But “time,” “location,” “experiences” and “experiencers” all are appearing IN this Seeing-Awaring-Being ItSelf as is said from I AM until the pointer stabs a hole in that mind-story and the Real – I AM- and Only I AM - is seen - by no-one.

At that point, tears usually just stop.  But the feelings are all still in the body. Then, the mind struggles with - does the body need to shed some tears? 

It happens, like breathing happens. Nobody DOES any of this!

Not that I can control any of these thoughts, but...

Drop the BUT! something being repressed?  Not allowed to finish what needs to come up/out in a natural way for the body.  Why are the tears stopping?  Is it because they are based on a thought and when that thought is questioned, the story stops? Yes, I guess that is what is happening.  Ha...can't even enjoy a good cry anymore without this damn 'questioning' mucking it up!  LOL......Think I've sort of answered my own question. Nothing to be done about the tears....Who's starting or stopping any of it?  Ahhhh....back to THAT!

Ask why and you suffer! This is the inscrutable cluelessness of nothing known by no-one … the magnificent mystery … everything happens to no-one and only a false “someone” would ask “why?” Drop into the I AM and reject all else. Stay with the one true pointer that your own experience effortlessly KNOWS: I AM. Nothing but That, I AM.

And that entire play just appeared from out of Nowhere, did it not? Then disappeared back into the Clueless Nothingness IN which it arose, patterned that way and this for a seeming “while,” and then there is what always IS but THAT was NEVER NOT.

It just occurred to me that someone should include in their writings (Advaita books), life 'before' so that those of us who are still 'grasping' at understanding don't feel like we're totally losing our mind ; )   

You ARE losing the mind. THAT is the Natural State, mindless timeless Being. So let it flow and stay with the One True Thought that POINTS to That which you ARE … I AM.


I AM (appearing as Charlie)

PS: The story of ‘me” (which is irrelevant and incompetent and immaterial!) is told in the book, “Life After Death.” You could buy it and keep it in the bathroom in case you run low on TP!


04 November 2007

Oh God, You Fooled Me. I Just Knew "It Takes Time"

(This appeared on the website of Dennis Waite ( recenlty. There is a response bubbling up in Presence-Awareness, surprisingly … )

A seeker writes to Dennis, I just have to comment on Charlie Hayes essay: I REALLY have a problem with ANYONE, (and I 'know' Charlie, we've talked and emailed in the past) who writes: "Correcting the error is simple, A little investigation is all it takes." These are the kinds of statements that have made my life HELL for so many years... because, if this is TRUE, then there is something SERIOUSLY flawed with "me". Because I have been 'investigating' this error for about 20+ years now, and no matter how much I KNOW the Truth, the error still runs my life 99.9% of the time. Maybe some people are just not 'meant for' Advaita. Very discouraged.

Dennis answers, The fault is not with you but with the neo-(non)teaching. And you are not alone! Many (most? all?) seekers whose exposure to Advaita has only been via the modern Western satsang and neo-style of teaching are similarly frustrated and confused. My next book (with the publisher and due for publication next summer) is all about this and will hopefully clarify the situation once and for all. All of our lives, upbringing, education, experience are dualistic in nature. This teaching is contrary to all of that. It is scarcely surprising that it takes time (the scriptures talk of lifetimes, of course, but it is not really that bad!) Self-knowledge is needed to remove the self-ignorance and that has to be taught by someone who not only has the self-knowledge but is able to utilize proven methods to convey it to others. The vast majority of Western teachers do not have this capability and the satsang medium is unable to provide the environment in any case.

I am sorry to say, sir, that this is a totally false load of crap.

This story that seekers and so-called “teachers of one” tell about time and practice, about teachings and education and experiences and all that, is the STORY and what is ignored by this utterly ignorant arrogance is the INESCAPABLE Being, Awareness that is ever fresh and ever present HERE AND NOW ALWAYS.

Tell the seeker he or she needs “time’ and a “teacher” and you stick that poor sucker right back into the never-ending story of a “me” who must do all sorts of stuff to “arrive at self-realization.”

The  reply to that question that arose in Nothingness Here was left off of this dialogue (although it may have appeared in the original (fruitless) pointing-dialogue with Dennis …  (why, Dennis?) … it was this:

I would respond to that reader with this: What is this ME that you claim some words "make your life hell?" I would ask you, dear reader: Have you really looked into that sense of being a "me" whose "life is hell?"  

I assert that in clear seeing, all suffering is seen to be imagination. But that ain't "the truth." So in answer I would add, "This is NOT "the truth." It's a pointer that YOU might use to actually DO the investigation rather than judge and evaluate some words appearing in your awareness. As a wise man said, argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're YOURS."

You limit yourself in language, the mind, therefore the investigation has to happen in the mind. I would say, as I recently said to a seeker who was indulging in this brand of self-pity, CUT THE CRAP.

That's how John Wheeler and "Sailor" Bob Adamson attacked MY false beliefs and my assertions of limitations. I spent a year so depressed and in that Hell, seeking on the Internet for some painless sure fire way to kill myself, because I did what you are doing, dear reader: Ignoring the pointers and refusing to really cut the crap and LOOK.

Thank That I Am for John and Bob being totally straight with me. The suffering can end. I stand by what I share from my direct experience: That with no kidding cut-the-crap investigation it will end. Full stop.

I AM That and you ARE That. I know beyond doubt there is no separate entity in you that can suffer. As Nisargadatta put it all that can trouble you is you own imagination. Why don't you look where the pointers are pointing rather than pass judgment and remain in the ignorance of your own self-limiting conversation with yourself?

What have you got to lose? Hell. What have you got to gain? Freedom, your Eternal Natural State.

That's all I can say about this except for one last pointer: It's an essay I wrote some time ago that has helped some set themselves free from their delusion. Whether it sets YOU free is entirely up to YOU. The ball is where it always was, in YOUR court.

(See “basics” page at to read the essay.)


04 November 2007
There is NOTHING To "Find" and ONLY That Nothing
Follow-up from Z.S. ...

It seems to me (me?) that you and others are pointing toward actually finding something...

No, what is being pointed to is that you actually find NOTHING. And now you know directly that this NOTHING is what IS ... what "you" are is No Thing. It's pointed out by no-one till it's seen by no-one. And then it's all over, that which never began ends and all there is is all there is ... No thing Being ... Every Thing. And THAT is the lovingness that allows all appearances to appear in peace that cannot be disturbed.

...but experience says otherwise.  My experience says that no, you don't find yourself, you just realize you never existed.  Not as infinite consciousness, not as anything. 

You are that I AM. Nothing but That. And your description in that single paragraph above is bang on, as a description ONLY, of the indescribable Nothingness.  Now STAY WITH THAT and there is NO problem, nothing missing. But the mind goes on and says,

All of that is thought. Is that a fair assumption or is there something I'm missing here?  If I sit here and try to ask myself who I am, I come up completely empty handed.  Who comes up completely empty handed?  No one.  There are only thoughts of I and empty handedness going on inside this brain. 

Experiences come and go. Thoughts come and go. All that is like the ever-changing weather in the never-changing empty sky. The thought "am I missing something" arises in Empty Presence-Awareness, and then is latched onto as the “I” is taken to be "what I am" and subsequent thoughts are taken to be "about me!" But all that also comes and goes. WHAT IS NEVER CHANGING? Only This: I AM. Stay with that.

Silence IS and I AM … a Bird Chirping. There is sleep and dawn comes in I AM. There is waking dreaming in I AM. As Sri Nisargadatta put it, "Even the sense 'I Am' is not continuous, although it is a useful pointer." This I AM points to Presence-Awareness which is NEVER missing; this unchanging Being is the Space-Like Emptiness that all these forms and feeling-senses and thoughts arise and subside within. Indescribable, yet invincibly Real and Present as the knowingness itself that Existence IS.

How do I know that this seeing isn't just another mental construct that's being continually sustained through thought?  (I can't stop thought so I can't really test if it is here when thought is not present) In sleep, there really isn't an I so I can't test it then either.  

Listen to yourself: How do "I" know? You do not. This Presence IS the seeing; the commentary is after the fact of Seeing Itself. And how do you know that there is no Being in Sleep? There is no consciousness OF being I AM. Yet that I AM IS and That beats that heart and wakes up as that Consciousness of being “here now.” This Presence-Awareness or I AM is That IN which both waking and sleep HAPPEN. This is ungraspable by the mind as mind is the concepts of I, time, and location, which are merely movements of Consciousness happening in this Timeless Presence-Awareness that you actually are. Don’t overlook That and take thoughts to be what you are.

As this is looked at deeper, it feels like I am slipping away into a kind of unconsciousness, similar to the experience when falling into a deep sleep.  No observer, no observed, no nothing.  The end.  What does this mean exactly? 


There's this fear of losing oneself that arises.

Let that fear be. There is the seeming of a death happening to a little paltry "me" ego ... it's happening. You are not doing this or anything else. The One Self of I AM is the only actor in the play! THAT is actor, and stage, appearance and nothing. Don't exhume the body! Death is the most real; what you consider to be life is actually death to the sage; what you consider death is Life to the sage. That's a description ONLY; there is NO such thing as a sage so don't latch onto that either. LOOK, only looking with Naked Awareness, seeing that which never changes to be your endless beginningless True-Nature! BE as you are; stop accepting the mind's lying assertions and reject all thoughts except one: I AM.

Love, from I AM to I AM.


04 November 2007
Clueless Nothingness Says Nothing about Nothing
Follow-up from D.R. who writes, Me again. Dear "Seekers," There is nothing to seek. Nothing to discuss. Nothing to point to. NOTHING to point to. NOTHING TO POINT TO. All that is IS nothing. Less than nothing. Less than nothing to the 100th power. Less than nothing to the "infinite" power. Unimaginable nothing-ness IS....IS IS IS IS IS. "You" cannot "know" the nothingness which is being. "You" cannot "experience" the nothingness which is being. Yet "you" are "IT." There is no YOU. There is no IT.  Sorry for all the bull-shit. Have a good life. Love, [D.R. calling herself] "Charlie" ... P.S. This website and all bull shit contained there-in will self destruct in: 10,9,8... PP.S When you're done with your incessant sniveling, see what IS. PPP.S There is no is. Sorry.
Hi "me"
Hey, the "bullshit" is aliveness, being bullshit, and so it is. Great fun, this dream of "me," ain't it dear One?
Love ya,
[appearing as D.R./Charlie]

03 November 2007

The Tirades of the Mind 

    (And All This Arises IN the Unbounded Presence-Awareness That You ARE!) 

D. R. Writes, This is what I can't quite grasp: terms liked "consciousness" and "awareness" get tossed around a lot. One of the questions that that you ask people to ask themselves is "Do I exist?" It seems the answer is yes, based on the premise that you cannot deny you are aware; conscious.

The pointer is that Awareness IS; Existence IS. Being IS. These are all just LABELS: NO label will ever be accurate! You see, That which is being pointed to is both undeniable, AND ungraspable by the split-mind of “I/Other.” So: Existence-Awareness IS; what you call you is a thought-form that seems (only seems!) to be an energetic contraction, a self-center called “me,” that feels as if it exists apart from That … yet this energy of “I” is NEVER actually separate or apart from That. Awareness is what You are; “you don’t “own” Awareness, you ARE Being-Awareness, Consciousness, Lovingness! (Sat-Chit-Ananda in Sanskrit, the ancient sages' language) ... and ONLY That…you are NOT "a" being. You are Being, One-Without-A-Second. Being Nothing, Being Everything, Being all in between! NOT Two...

But if you have ever been under anesthesia during major surgery, you are not conscious. You are not aware. It is essentially like awareness or consciousness ceases to exist until you wake up. What is going on here?

This is a confusion of terms, and what seems to be missing is a distinction, subtle yet crucial, between Consciousness (the knowing Presence that the mind labels as I AM) … and the A Priori Being-Awareness (NO THING.) Being, Awareness ItSelf As-It-Is, IS Eternally PRIOR to Consciousness OF presence (that Consciousness which awakes and appears as “you” … The “I Am” of Being-Consciousness-Awakeness.) Simply: Being is PRIOR to and BEYOND Consciousness yet NOT APART from Consciousness. They are of One-Essence, One-Taste. One-Not-Two. NONduality! Like one taste of the ocean and the whole ocean is known....

What beats the heart and breathes air into and out of the lungs of that organism during the absence of consciousness under anesthesia? THAT is what is often labeled as Awareness. Actually I find a more resonant pointing-label to be ALIVENESS. This Being-Aliveness (another label I like) is That Energy-Intelligence or Essence of Aliveness ItSelf, which "Lives" the body when there is NO Consciousness. The mind simply CANNOT grasp This Presence itself. The mind is an appearance IN This Presence. The eye cannot see itself.

Just see this right now! This Being-Aliveness that IS, the REAL YOU, actually always IS and THAT arises AS Consciousness, which gets translated by the dividing energy of "mind" into the conceptual believed in "entity" called "I Am." THE TRUE I AM is Being-Aliveness, which IS, Existence Itself, and never absent. THAT is what is ever-present, EVEN in deep sleep or under anesthesia.

This is a very good question: I had a similar one, since in the story (only the story!) of this bodymind machine, it was under anesthesia for over six hours for quadruple bypass open heart surgery in 2000. The resolution came when it got clear for no-one that the blankness of that "time" was the true nature of Being-Aliveness. ALL else is imagination.

Now the question I have for you is, are you suffering? Let’s get at THAT.

 1. The question do you exist? Produces the immediate "knowing" of the pure I AM of Consciousness. Then the thought “I Am” is the LABEL the mind uses to separate itself from the Whole (apparently, not actually...)

 2. Then WHAT or WHERE are "you?" What IS this "I AM" and where is IT located? Find the Source of That "I AM" ... if you can! Then it may be seen, again, by no-one, that what You are is this Being-Aliveness Energy, boundless and free.

Staying with the inescapable yes-ness of your very Being Itself, looking into Empty Naked Awareness from Empty Naked Awareness ... so long as "you" are believed-in as an "entity" you can put that apparent one to the task of discovering what is REAL and what is NOT REAL. ONLY the Real never changes, even in deep sleep or under anesthesia! And nothing UNREAL actually exists. It was all a dream-story. Imagination. Find this out and suffering is over and done forever. And, "staying with" the actuality of Being is the easiest of all: YOU ARE That and cannot escape That!

Consider these two pointers From John Greven:

“Stay with that which lovingly allows for everything to appear in peace that cannot be disturbed. Allow that to show you the depth of its void and the fullness of its emptiness.” 

And, "The Supreme Subject is unattainable, unimaginable, undeniable, ever present, and manifest as the thought ‘I Am’. Seek The Source of ‘I Am’."

Stay in touch until the questions (and the questioner) are dissolved back into that Eternal Being-Awareness that you truly are.




This Is The Mind Resisting Being Seen as A Fake:


Follow-up from D.R. - Is it possible that a conversation could take place that does not revolve around the analysis and deconstruction of every word and concept "D.R." says or "D.R." uses? Yes, "I” was GONE under anesthesia. "I" wasn't there. Yes, yes, yes. The term "I” and the word "experienced" is used for a lack of a better word. How else can "I" say it? Give me a break already. It's pissing me off already. If I can predict what you are going to say in response, would it no longer be necessary for you to give that response? Well OK D.R., who is this D.R. that is pissed? Where is this pissed D.R.? Can you locate the D.R. that appears to be pissed? Who is this me that is supposedly D.R. that is supposedly pissed? Me, Me, Me.....Who is this me?? Who is D.R.? IS D.R.? IS? Is there no small respite from the ranting and raving, my friend?? Just humor me for a minute. Please. We have a body, the body lives, then the body dies. Awareness and consciousness are more or less present when the body lives. Do awareness and consciousness cease when the body dies, even though being-aliveness always IS? Or am I just wasting my time (again) asking a stupid, apparently ignorant question which is going to elicit yet another bull-shit-laden and evasive response?


Yes, “you” are pissed. Because “you” do NOT want to discover that “you” are a phantom: This “you” that you “know yourself to be” does not actually exist!


You are not listening. You waste your time arguing with no one! So, dear One, you need to find another to share with that you can resonate with. Best of luck, and I sincerely hope “you” die soon. Until “you” are seen to be false there will be suffering and pissed-off-ed-ness. So it is… and, LOVE says, I AM loves You so I AM is out to destroy “you.”




The Endless Tirades of the Mind


Follow-up: Am I not listening? Or are you just a cop out? You tell me essentially to go away because you don't want to deal with me. I'm just a non-listening, ignorant, suffering pain in the ass. Wasting my time or wasting your time, old man? But then you decide to try yet again to get me to "listen" a few hours later with your "you" analysis!


Maybe I am not listening because what "you" are "saying" is crap. Maybe what I don't want to "hear" is YOUR CRAP. Maybe you you've got other people who are like, "Charlie, thanks so much for your help! You've helped me so much Charlie! Wow, Charlie, you have helped me so much! Thank goodness for Charlie!"


Are those people who "resonate" with Charlie who Charlie helped so much no longer suffering??? Did you even really help them???? It's nice thought, though, isn't it. If they tell you, "wow, you helped so much, Charlie," what, then they resonate with you? Let's continue a dialog with those people because THEY MUST be listening where D.R. is NOT! They hear! But D.R. does not! Let's stay in touch with those ingratiating, beautiful people! Especially that 22 year old who is clinically obsessed with enlightenment! But then "D.R." come along and says you are a pain in the ass to talk to Charlie and you are full of crap Charlie and you are like you are arguing with no one! We are not resonating! Go find some one else! GO AWAY, D.R.!


What? You don't like my ranting and raving? You don't like your own medicine, Charlie??


I  do resonate with some one else. The interactions are sweet and loving and very respectful blah blah blah. It's true! This is some one who single-handedly destroyed my "reincarnation-past-life-karma" bull-shit belief system cherished and clung to for dear life for over 25 years in about 5 minutes flat!! (Wait, you mean you have some "resonating" people you correspond with out there who still believe that shit?? They still believe in Santa Claus?? And they are ready to "hear" Charlie, but D.R. is not?? Holy shit!!) I was like, yes, I hear you. No anger. No freaking out. Just, "OK, it is what it is. OK"


 You are some "one on the side." It's like when you are dating some one, then you might have a few you see "on the side." Just for the hell of it. I like you, although you might not understand that and may not be able to stand me, by now. I like arguing with non one. It is what it is. I argue because I am trying to figure something out. Telling me to stop figuring things out isn't going to make me stop. It will stop when it stops, right? Can I really control  the stopping of my imaginary mind? Can I? But if there is no one to argue with, I won't argue any more.....there's nothing to stop, is there?


Yes, wow, that's some truly wonderful mind-stuff! The endless Tirades of Mind; fascinating to observe arising from Nothing, ranting a while, and disappearing back into Nothing. What great fun! Good on ya, D.R..


I love you.


PS: You asked, "when you die, is the experience of death, in essence, the same as when you are under surgical anesthesia?"

TRUE answer? I don't know.

Who knows that? Isn't THAT, as Shakespeare said ... "That undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns..." ???

To me, it's clear as day that what I AM and what YOU ARE is Unborn Timeless Being. Clueless Nothingness. So that's what there was an attempt to point to, as your background with another teacher was not expressed and I took you to be a "seeker." I am happy you are not suffering and you already found someone to point things out in ways that worked for you.

Anyhow, I love you. Have a beer and some chips, on me.


PPS: Didn't you NOTICE? This is merely an oOverlooking of The ever-fresh Obviousness of Being Itself, and speculating and imagining a "you" that "was born and will die..." AND ...


    ALL This Arises IN the Timeless Presence-Awareness that You ARE.


02 November 2007

This is So Free, It Is Completely NON-Local!

Follow-Up from Z.S. - Thank you so much. :) This audio [a sample dialogue that the participant has asked not be shared further] was so beautiful...  Speaking of fear, it seems to be gone over here.  Not that it matters, anyway. You have a true gift.  It takes a lot of word-weaving to talk about something that can't be spoken, and have it be so damn clear.  

As for this "expression" being "a gift?" Thanks, BUT it ain't my fault! This comes out … One to One, a happening in Being as Being and Only That.  Blame “John Wheeler” and “Sailor Bob” and “John Greven” and “Nisargadatta Maharaj” et al … if you must! LOL… But all of these “appearances” are actually the Real YOU, “in drag.” Ha!

Since reading your reply and seeing the video yesterday, there came that settling into what is already present.  The only thing that ever is.  (not a thing, but you get the idea.)  

Yes. That’s really Great News!!

What is being experienced here is the same thing that's always been going on (only now it seems consciously known). 

Quite well said! As This Always Is, That IS EVER-PRESENT AND NEVER NOT deeply KNOWN … by No-One. As is now and forever being seen, the pointer is, You (your True Nature) are the experience-ING, devoid of “experience-ER-subject and experience-object.”

Saying oneness, duality, me, self, none of those words seem to make sense now.  What is, this moment, seems to be nothing like any of that.  That is all superficial, laid on top, or within, or whatever.  Gibberish.  Every bit of it gibberish.  All of this trying is gibberish.  All of everything, is nonsense.  Except this.

And NOW not even this!

The mind doesn't stop (or have to) The character isn't necessarily more "well-balanced" (and doesn't have to be); Nothing is changed.  

Nothing never Changes :-)

The mind says "Well where's this infinite love I'm supposed to feel?", or  "I'm still thinking all of the time." The mind is wondering how to maintain this.  (ha) … Yet there is freedom from all of those thoughts.  None of it matters. The tendency to try to grasp seems to be weakening.  The tendency to try to find a solid, single place from which to perceive is also weakening.  These things might return, but it doesn't matter.  This person, I, ZS, whatever, might once more start to follow thought and try to convince himself that he needs fixing.  But, as always, all of these things are irrelevant.

I think (I!) that the really confounding thing for the mind is the fact that this is so free that it is completely non-local.  We expect it to be a stable point from which to peacefully view our lives, and it is not like that.  It is completely non local and ambiguous. No way in hell you could ever grasp this!

Bingo!!! Clarity Speaks from Stillness to Stillness.

As “I” write this, slight pangs of fear are coming, as some of the real infinity of this is seen.  It DOES feel like an extinguishing, a death.  Because "the son of man has nowhere to rest his head".  No stability.  No nothing.  It truly is emptiness. Real emptiness. No way to understand it. There is a slight apprehension about looking at it deeper, but that too will pass.  And if it doesn't, it doesn't matter.  

Good. And if you don’t apply a conceptual “label” to energy arising in Beingness (like the label “fear”) … where is any problem or anything to resist, fix, modify or change? Nowhere … full stop.

Do we ask "Who am I?"  Just so we don't find anything?  It's almost like we don't even find nothing.  We don't even have that to hold on to.  It's almost as though the very question just appears and then disappears inside this that can never be understood.  

Yes. This Clueless Nothingness is Always So … the Incomprehensible yet Always-So Silence that underlies and permeates everything. Staying with That, abiding AS That, IS the happening of no-enlightenment --  for no-body. THAT is the Natural, Eternal IS-ness. Inescapable and unimaginable. That Thou Art. Now it is known there. Bodhi Svaha! Hooray!

Thank you. Thank you.

You’re welcome you’re welcome. :-) Stay in touch if, and as, Being Your Self  Moves the happening of that.



02 November 2007

Stay With That Being-Awareness that Lovingly Allows Everything to Appear in Timeless Peace

D. R. Writes, This is what I can't quite grasp: terms liked "consciousness" and "awareness" get tossed around a lot. One of the questions that that you ask people to ask themselves is "Do I exist?" It seems the answer is yes, based on the premise that you cannot deny you are aware; conscious.

The pointer is that Awareness IS; Existence IS. Being IS. These are all just LABELS: NO label will ever be accurate! You see, That which is being pointed to is both undeniable, AND ungraspable by the split-mind of “I/Other.” So: Existence-Awareness IS; what you call you is a thought-form that seems (only seems!) to be an energetic contraction, a self-center called “me,” that feels as if it exists apart from That … yet this energy of “I” is NEVER actually separate or apart from That. Awareness is what You are; “you don’t “own” Awareness, you ARE Being-Awareness, Consciousness, Lovingness! (Sat-Chit-Ananda in Sanskrit, the ancient sages' language) ... and ONLY That…you are NOT "a" being. You are Being, One-Without-A-Second. Being Nothing, Being Everything, Being all in between! NOT Two...

But if you have ever been under anesthesia during major surgery, you are not conscious. You are not aware. It is essentially like awareness or consciousness ceases to exist until you wake up. What is going on here?

This is a confusion of terms, and what seems to be missing is a distinction, subtle yet crucial, between Consciousness (the knowing Presence that the mind labels as I AM) … and the A Priori Being-Awareness (NO THING.) Being, Awareness ItSelf As-It-Is, IS Eternally PRIOR to Consciousness OF presence (that Consciousness which awakes and appears as “you” … The “I Am” of Being-Consciousness-Awakeness.) Simply: Being is PRIOR to and BEYOND Consciousness yet NOT APART from Consciousness. They are of One-Essence, One-Taste. One-Not-Two. NONduality! Like one taste of the ocean and the whole ocean is known....

What beats the heart and breathes air into and out of the lungs of that organism during the absence of consciousness under anesthesia? THAT is what is often labeled as Awareness. Actually I find a more resonant pointing-label to be ALIVENESS. This Being-Aliveness (another label I like) is That Energy-Intelligence or Essence of Aliveness ItSelf, which "Lives" the body when there is NO Consciousness. The mind simply CANNOT grasp This Presence itself. The mind is an appearance IN This Presence. The eye cannot see itself.

Just see this right now! This Being-Aliveness that IS, the REAL YOU, actually always IS and THAT arises AS Consciousness, which gets translated by the dividing energy of "mind" into the conceptual believed in "entity" called "I Am." THE TRUE I AM is Being-Aliveness, which IS, Existence Itself, and never absent. THAT is what is ever-present, EVEN in deep sleep or under anesthesia.

This is a very good question: I had a similar one, since in the story (only the story!) of this bodymind machine, it was under anesthesia for over six hours for quadruple bypass open heart surgery in 2000. The resolution came when it got clear for no-one that the blankness of that "time" was the true nature of Being-Aliveness. ALL else is imagination.

Now the question I have for you is, are you suffering? Let’s get at THAT.

 1. The question do you exist? Produces the immediate "knowing" of the pure I AM of Consciousness. Then the thought “I Am” is the LABEL the mind uses to separate itself from the Whole (apparently, not actually...)

 2. Then WHAT or WHERE are "you?" What IS this "I AM" and where is IT located? Find the Source of That "I AM" ... if you can! Then it may be seen, again, by no-one, that what You are is this Being-Aliveness Energy, boundless and free.

Staying with the inescapable yes-ness of your very Being Itself, looking into Empty Naked Awareness from Empty Naked Awareness ... so long as "you" are believed-in as an "entity" you can put that apparent one to the task of discovering what is REAL and what is NOT REAL. ONLY the Real never changes, even in deep sleep or under anesthesia! And nothing UNREAL actually exists. It was all a dream-story. Imagination. Find this out and suffering is over and done forever. And, "staying with" the actuality of Being is the easiest of all: YOU ARE That and cannot escape That!

Stay in touch until the questions (and the questioner) are dissolved back into that Eternal Being-Awareness that you truly are.


02 November 2007

Why keep telling the "Poor Me" story?

Z.S. Writes, Hello.  I'm currently watching the second video I have seen of yours, and I plan on watching them all.  I have been reading/watching/listening to so many non-dual, self-inquiry teachers and I have to say you are the clearest I have ever come across.  THANK YOU.

You are most welcome.

But, I am, ridiculously, pleading for your help.  I have been doing this for so long. I suppose it could be said that I have been doing it for a very short time, since I am only 22. But all my life has been one bullshit after another in search for some release or home, that… finality. That okayness. That rest that seems so sorely needed. I thought I found it in spirituality, once I had several big spiritual "experiences" and what I thought were "awakenings".

That’s the worst thing of all, because it sets up an expectation that the EXPERIENCE is the actuality of the NON-experience-able Natural State …While what you actually ARE is Being-Awareness, ordinary, ever-present. THAT is NOT an experience OR a concept. That is NO thing whatsoever. Experience happen IN that Ordinary Naked Awareness, your own knowing of the Consciousness –Presencing … That is Always SO, wherever you seem to go and whatever time it appears to be.

I am so tired, and I am probably clinically obsessed with enlightenment. I can't stop.  I can't do anything.  If I ignore it all and go about my daily life, I suffer intensely. 

I. This “I” … what IS it? Where IS this “I”? Is it actually a solid separate “entity?” WHERE is this “me” that “is suffering?”  Seek that … find the Source of this idea of “I” or “me.” That IS … IS IT? “I am Me!” The mind asserts. IS IT TRUE? Look for the Source of this ideation “I am me.” Find one yet? Keep looking!

Life seems nothing but misery, frustration, and fear.  Fear, most of all. Always fear.  Horrible fear... There is no letting go, there is no stopping there is no staying with what is, because my ****ing  mind wont shut up for five seconds anyway.  I can't stop.  I can't stop my mind (obviously) And I can't see who I am.  I shouldn't say that. I have seen who I am a few times in my life.  the effects of which will last for a day or a few weeks and go, leaving nothing but disillusionment and an inability to see what I just saw.  I go into my closet for a long time every day in the darkness and try to see who it is that all of this arises in.  In every moment my mind is obsessed with it. 


With finding the point, the truth, the it... I go and try to consciously see the consciousness that tries to see. Sometimes things happen, sometimes i get quite out of it and weird, and more and more states just come. 

You will never “find the truth. You ARE The Way The Truth The Life! Full Stop!

The mind keeps chattering and bickering with itself, the frustration and need for more continues. Nothing is changed.  I can't stop. And I realize I just wasted your time in telling you a story about a fictitious character who thinks itself to be real.  But it doesn't matter.

So why keep telling the story? Looking for the storyteller, where is that “personal entity” that believes IT has control and “should” be able to “do …” whatever. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. Otherwise you keep getting run over by your own trains of thought.

I'm just asking for some guidance.

Here is the pointer: There is no person who needs guidance.

And I also want to thank you for what you put out there.  It is the most honest thing I have ever heard.  Well, as honest as words can get, anyway…Thank you...

Stay in touch, ask what needs asking… you are Love Itself. There is no doubt here that YOU ARE THAT. Dissolve the questioner in pure Naked Seeing and that is absolutely known, by no one.

There is also a YouTube video answer is at:

1 November 2007
M.K. Follows Up (see 30 Oct post) with, Right on!! Understanding versus realization.  Understanding is a function of mind? Is realization a function of awareness? 

Awareness IS. That has NO function (or ALL functions, depending on how it's looked at, so to say...)

Wanting, wanting, restlessness, trying to grasp..exhausting...Reading, listening...chasing my own tail? Will it stop? Who is asking?  I want it to stop. What am I?

No escape... Love, M.K.

Quite right ... that "No Escapeness" IS Love!

Try THIS one on...
     The obstacles to clear perception of one's true being are desire for pleasure and fear of pain. It is the pleasure- pain motivation that stands in the way. The very freedom from all motivation, the state in which no desire arises, is the natural state. -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thank you.  It took my breath away... Will stay with this one...for a while...

31 October 2007
Life's on Autopilot ... "I" am A Passenger
Follow-up from A: I loved your emails and while visiting Chad Barber's site I came across this:

"If you are waiting for the contents of the story to resolve in such a way that you will have ever lasting peace, you are going to be deeply disappointed. The thought stories are ever changing; sometimes there is happiness, sometimes sadness or joy and then fear. The story is on autopilot; no-one is driving your life. Its a part of the unfolding spectacle of what is."

It's the autopilot allusion that is resonating. I'm not doing anything? Even when I think I am, I'm not. The "thinking I am" is a thought arising with no impetus from a "me". And getting stuck in the thoughts is simply thoughts about getting stuck. And the discomfort that arises? I'm not responsible for that either, and I couldn't stop it if I wanted to. The discomfort is there, until it isn't. 

I'm still having moments of being attached to a "me", but now the mind formulates a visual of a "me" relinquishing the controls of an aircraft and sliding over into the passenger seat. The pilot seat is empty....
Excellent ...
And when ye mind asks, what do "I do" about this or that "problem" or "concern?" Act as IF you have free will, even while knowing in the deepest sense that it's an illusion. Enjoy The Flight!

30 October 2007
Who gets "irrated" by a Teacher or Teaching?
About a particular non-duality teaching, M.K. Writes: ... there is something about the presentation that periodically causes irritation. Like when he talks about Ramana being dualistic and then himself slips into dualistic descriptions once in a while.
Sure. That's the paradoxical nature of using words to point Beyond to the Infinite Isness. Isn't it interesting that "some thing" gets "itrritated?" What get's irratated?? Only a self-center (the false sense of being apart from the whole) can be kind of annoyed or offended. So that happens. My sense of that teacher is that he likes to say outrageous stuff, to "stir the pot" that way, and then perhaps the seeker-mind reacrts, then there may be a noticing of a false "irrated 'me.'" It's a style of expression, but there is no-one "doing" that! It's appearing to happen ... as mind IS all the apperaing happenings ... the Dream-World of seeker/teacher.
Do you agree with him when he says that doing enquiry is totally useless and impossible? 
No. But NOR do "I" "disagree! This pointing happens in a million ways. The pointer points and the mind agrees or disagrees ... ONLY the mind does that. THAT is where an an expression such as that can prick something and begin to let some of the false concepts be seen into ... that is just another "take" on all this ... nobody is doing anything.
It is also the nature of mind to take a few words out of context and then anylize them apart from the entirety of a message ... For accurcay the pointer coming through all these "organism-speakings" is NOT that  it is useless and impossible to enquire into the false and thereby dispel it. He is always saying there IS no one to do or not do anything. All is just appearing as happenings ... including "doing enquiry."  In other places he says exactly that.
I do not want to throw out the baby with the water though.

Okay, now WHO is wanting to do THAT or not do that? Stay with the simplicity:
A) What you are is Awareness-Noticing ... the silent Seeing itself of all that is appearing on the screen of that Awareness. NOT the se-er and NOT the seen: The See-ING.
B) What you are NOT is any thing that "you" can "know. Stay with the Final Question: WHO AM I? WHO cares what "another' says? WHO cares about opinions of agree and disagreee, right and wrong, this and that? WHO??

29 October 2007
How Can An Illusion Dispel Itself?
M.T. Writes, Charlie, how then does this illusion called 'me' look at what's real and what's false if this illusion doesn't even exist?  Isn't it all just happening?
That's the paradox. Yes it is all simply happening. AND if there is a believed-in "you" that thinks it is a doer, that can be put to the hopeless task of looking. That TOO is what's happening!

29 October 2007

Telling the "story of me"over and
keeps the false looking real

M.C. Writes, I was on the last conference call-Wednesday evening and ever since that call, something wants to get asked.  I won't be available to attend today's meeting so am trying this instead. You asked all of us to 'not be, just try to get out of being' and the mental noise hesitated with that. 

And you did not fall apart! So that's a direct "Full Stop" in which there is Only Being.

We all were quiet, realizing it was impossible.  A few hours later, here's what appeared--and keeps appearing (in /as that aliveness)--- Yes I see that there is always this being/awareness/ aliveness but the thought goes--it is because there is a body here. 

That thought," it is because", is the mind telling a story to try to survive as a self-limiting (false) entity! Where is a body unless there's thought happening? And where is the "me" apart from a thought? In deep sleep where is "me" or "this body?" Absent. In that Absence you exist as Being, Being ItSelf. Then Being awakes as Conscious and interprets that pure unalloyed Being as "I, I Am, I am this body, inside this body is "me," outside this body is "world." All arising in language! What IS, Beingness ItSelf, IS -- Prior To Language. THAT is what is being pointed to.

 If someone came in and shot me in the head, I wouldn't 'be', would I?  There would be no conscious awareness of  aliveness, no being-ness etc. 

We can speculate endlessly about such hypothetical stuff, and the mind may well do that to avoid the confrontation of its actual ABSENCE! It's a survival ploy; a clever dodge the mind uses to keep you being the "little you" hiding from the Light which reveals that you's nakedness. Just stay with what you can actually experience; apart from all the stories … YOU are and THAT is certain and unavoidable. WHAT you are NOT has not been seen: That's where the simple One Final Question that the mind can never answer is so powerful:

WHO AM I? Where does this "I AM" come from" Where does it go in deep sleep? WHO AM I? NO answer! Take NO answer on board. Only ASK. WHO AM I?

There isn't seeing what's being pointed to and the body seems to be critically involved somehow.

Telling that story keeps the false self-center seemingly in place and surviving. That needs to be looked into: WHO? WHO is not seeing? WHO thinks that they can see what's being pointed to? Even THAT, the idea of seeing OR not seeing, is arising in this Inescapable Being that you deep down know that you are, before the mind is, YOU ARE.

And yes, suffering is also here- lots of it daily as this is appearing in thought (this, being this whole subject of awareness etc) CONSTANTLY.  And the story isn't working either for the apparent M.C. -- 

It feels like the only way to stop the suffering is to see this-maybe like you were (I know, in story) before you spoke with John and Bob.  Remember the sense of frustration and anguish?  That's what's appearing here now.

There was HUGE frustration and anguish until I followed the simple pointer to ASK Who Am I? Where did "I AM" come from? What is the Source of this "me" idea? What Am I? Where IS this I-Me-Sense-feeling of beingness apart from the Whole? What is this I AM? Who AM I? Who am I in Deep Sleep? WHO AM I?

What does frustration and anguish that appear on, or in? Being-Awareness. THAT is your true Being-Nature. The final question is the most powerful: As Ramana Maharshi put it, the thought Who Am I will destroy all other thoughts. ASKING "Who AM I? Will dismantle the false and leave only the Real!

As one of my teachers, my good friend John Greven, put it in his excellent book, "Oneness, the Destination You never Left" --  "Remember, what you are is not a thing or object the mind can grasp. Hence the mind's frustration with the question [Who Am I?] and the search. Remember, the mind is not the right tool for this job, but that must be discovered for yourself. Put the mind to work on the task of answering the question 'Who Am I?' What is the mind referencing when it says "me?" You will find, while at the same time the mind must find for itself, that the "I" is nothing more than a thought or label pointing to what is real, to what you truly are [presence-Awareness, or Being]. The "I" concept is a creation of mind and as such, as a concept, it has no validity. To the mind what you really are is nothing. Even the concept of you being nothing the mind tries to turn into a thing and assign attributes to that no-thingness.

Stay at this. Let your frustration lead to earnestness: when all that is important to you is the recovery of your True Nature then you go at the two pointers with all your heart and it shall be done in no time (literally!)

Do I Exist? Yes, undeniably I am Being. Can't escape from Being, even in sleep!

Who Am I? Where IS this me? What Am I? Where did "I" come from? Is this "I" separate, solid and real? I am "me." Is that TRUE? Find out. ASK Who Am I?

Being-Awareness-Aliveness is loving you back to the Home you never left. Let it be.

Be in touch as much as necessary while Aliveness fries the false and the Real is seen by no-one.

I Love You.

Thank you Charlie--'Staying with this' and continually asking those questions is definitely happening. All that is important to me now is the recovery of my True Nature. xo...



28 October 2007

"Knowing" I AM is the suffering.

J. Writes, As this body, sitting here and now, writing this e-mail, was about 10 years old, there was seen during an operation at this body, that this [body] was not ME. No doubt!

Are you a body? You now know that the answer is NO.

What was seen, was an operation with a patient an doctors, a lot of blood and so on. Not possible to locate "my position" - there "was" just seeing.

That is all there is going on at all “times” Simply the seeing, happening. Including seeing the “one seeing.” That “one" seeing is an object appearing to the Seeing itself…

As this body woke up again after the operation, there was really a lot of confusion. It was not possible to bring "this" in words and tell around what was happened to "me". Knowing Nothing to lose, Nothing to get, so why should "I" become SOMEone? Why should I be good at school? The only Thing is Love. I was not a very good girl to my parents! They kicked me out. So "I" have been walking like a ghost through this life for over 40 years now, confused and also really "suffering" because "I" could share this view with no-one.  Searching for "somebody/nobody"  to share the great love from this view. There is suffering of course! But also the knowing that it is not the body or a me who is suffering.

This knowing “I AM LOVE” and knowing I AM “walking around like a ghost” IS the suffering. Even though you put “I” in “quotes” like a spiritually correct writer, this “I” is still (to you) solid and real and believed-in as a separate real thing. This I AM is an object that has taken itself on board as the Unbounded No-Subject No-Object of Being Itself. Ask that mind-stuff, this “I,” WHO knows this? Find that “entity” that “knows…”  IF you can. Set that mind-thought story to the task of discovering WHO thinks, WHAT believes, WHERE is this I that says all these stories into existence, WHERE AM I? Ask the mind; demand an answer until the mind gives up the search and gives in to the ever-fresh Being-Awareness. This Being-Awareness has been “objectified” by the mind, the subtle believed-in sense-feeling “I AM” and this I AM is merely another object appearing … in no thing. What is nothing? NOT an object. See if you can locate anything that appears to you that is NOT an object!!

Love is suffering.

Love is never suffering. YOU as an “entity” that wants control and wants what is to not BE as it is. Love is YES there is Only Living Aliveness; love is NOT an object. You have in ignorance made love into an object! That’s the mind’s delusion. See through that right now.

[This is] just like a ghost looking for another ghost in this dream world. Isn't this CRAZY?

Yes. It is. That may have seemed to “you” to be a rhetorical question. It is not. It’s the seeker-mind lamenting it’s apparent plight! LOOK: Who is looking for whom? The last bit is The Timeless Spaceless ONE questioning Itself, WHERE AM I? And THIS  has NO answer: Find out what you are through discovering what you are NOT. If there is suffering “you” are still “here” as a believed-in sense-feeling of “I AM.”

Who Am I? Where did this “knowing of I AM” come from?

Demand that the mind give an answer, and then drop all answers and ASK. When was I born? NO ANSWER. WHERE am I going? NO ANSWER. WHAT AM I? No answer no answer no answer…….

ASK. Demand to uncover what you REALLY are … the Subjectless Objectless Isness. Life Itself.

"Simply you must empty 'is' of meaning,
And take 'is not' as real." ~ Zen

Love Is  What Is. One-Not Two.


27 October 2007


There’s no me BUT ...


A. Writes (on YouTube) …  I am thoroughly enjoying your videos and love the excitement that arises when I see you've uploaded a new one. I am also so grateful for the new Jeff Foster videos. His book "Life without a Centre" dispersed some clouds for me.


Jeff is a good expresser of the inexpressible! But watch how the mind-ego grabs the dispersal of clouds of confusion and says, “clouds dispersed – for ME.”

Like most of the folks who write to you, I intellectually understand what is being said.


Drop the label “intellectually. What’s left? “I understand.” Now drop the “I” from that. What’s left? “Understand-ING”… with no “understand-ER.” In this way it is seen that This Presence-Awareness has ALWAYS been the NON-Conceptual Impersonal Understand-ing -- Just THAT – that in which “I” and “Intellectual” arise as thoughts … labeling this What Is-Ness and seeming to create a separateness where none actually exists. The word “intellectual” was learned; the one-letter word “I” was learned. Before that happened there was only This Presence. For my 20-month-old granddaughter Sarah there is NO “I.” That has not been taken on board yet; she is just Aliveness Dancing! This is why it is said often, all knowledge (beginning with the learned-knowledge of “I and Other”) is actually IGNORANCE!


This “triad” of “knower-I” and knowing and “object-known” is false; on direct seeing where IS this “I”? Is there any such thing? “Know-ING” or “Understand-ING” IS. THAT never changes ever! So: YOU were NEVER a subject observing objects – that’s the appearance of dualism, separateness. You are untouchable ever-fresh Being-Awareness, Aliveness, Just That. What Jeff calls “Life without a Centre” is pointing to THIS …. Aliveness, or Life Itself, devoid of the false belief in a subject-object reality. What is real? Unchanging presence-awareness. Only That.


 I've also had a lengthy blissful experience that is sticking like some residue in the mind.


Oh yes. Been there got the t-shirt! THAT is one of the worst things that can happen to the seeker because it sets up a big fat MYTH: That was IT and “I” was “DONE! Now “IT” is GONE O Poor Me I “MUST Get That Back ad nauseaum! The parable in the Christian Bible of “The Wedding Feast” comes to mind:  Entering the Wedding Feast with the wrong attire, the guest is thrown out into the dark cold night and there is “much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.” That’s a metaphor, it seems here, for this “entering the kingdom of heaven with the wrong attire:" The persona, the mask of an “I” Identity, a “ME that is HERE in the Kingdom O Praise God Thank God O God DOES love ME because “He” (Or SHE!)  let “ME” into HIS/HER Special Heavenly STATE! It’s bullshit and that “me” soon gets its comeuppance and then there is the seeking back tenfold! Isn’t that your experience?


So, “IT” did not “go away.” You came back and claimed your own absence, and that happens a LOT. It happened here in 2002, again in 2004, again in 2005. You’d think it would be seen through if it happened once, but some patterns of energy SEEM more solid and stubbornly steadfast in declaring “I’m ME and that’s that!” over and over … that’s what seems to happen. Of course none of that is actually happening – it’s the DREAM!


There's always the dull drone of "get that back, I must get that back, if it doesn't feel like that it ain't it" and then the thought "no you mustn't wish for an experience, stop it!" I'm having a hard time seeing the second as just a thought arising.


 WHO IS “HAVING A HARD TIME?” Who “must or must not” anything? Ask that apparent person, that I I I I you go on about, WHO AM I? This is NOT a feeling, NOT an experience. Those are appearances like clouds in an always-actually-empty sky come and go in This Being, the Space-like Awareness that you actually are.

Annette Nibley's writings are laser sharp and I enjoy them, yet as I read, the thought arises "Why are you reading this if you've got it already!" and there is a subtle discomfort, a feeling of betrayal.


Betrayal? To whom? Annette? There IS NO Annette! She’ll be the first to tell ya that! Or betrayal to YOU? Your True Self? How can THAT be? You must be separating yourself in thoughts being believed to be about you, and true, for such stories to be taken seriously. “I’m ME.” IS THAT TRUE? Have a look.

There's no me here, but I feel it with every fiber of my being.


You contradict yourself with every concept. That’s what the mind does. “There’s no me BUT I Feel It.” What a load of crap THAT is! However, this is how it seems for many seekers, NOT as an apparent thought of “me,” but as a kind of sense-feeling or “feeling-sense,” deep down. This feeling-sense IS only a believed-in-thought -- this “I” we discussed above – BUT it does SEEM that this is not a thought but something “I” feel – as you say, “feeling with every fiber of my being.” But notice the words! “MY BEING.” WHOSE? WHO claims to be “me” apart from BEING? WHO IS THAT! Look. Ask! Who AM I?


Is that just "me" arising right now? And it feels so real? It's an uncomfortable feeling, knowing there isn't a me yet feeling like there is one. A phantom "me", so to speak.


Asked and answered.


When I recite "I am" I tend to believe more in the "me". When I ask the question who's the doer, I answer: "I am," and it feels plausible.


The answer is CRAP. ALL conceptual knowing, EVEN the conceptual knowledge “I am,” IS Ignorance. ASK and take NO answer. Not That Not That. Drop all answers as they arise and just ASK. As Nisargadatta said, drop ALL questions except this one: Who Am I?


That “I AM” you BELIEVE is “YOU” is ONLY a thought. It’s the mind’s translation of the pure NON-conceptual Isness of Being One-Without-A-Second, Being-Awareness, into the “thought-form of I.” And a thought “I”, or “I AM,” is NOT a separate, actual independent thing; it is an ephemeral, temporary appearance that comes and goes in Unchanging Presence-Awareness. So, be willing to DROP all answers and abide as NOT Knowing. Unknowing Presence-Awareness; Cluelessly Being This, as it is and as it ain’t. FULL STOP.


Seeking an answer IS the denial of this Presence, Being-Aliveness … you attempt to find Being, and that’s like a fish in the ocean seeking the water: “Where O Where is my Water? I MUST find THAT or I shall Suffer Forever!” It is the “tale told by an idiot, filled with sound and fury, signifying – NOTHING.”

I'm looking for bliss, aren't I?


YOU will NEVER get there! You can’t get here from there. YOU ARE “BLISS” (that’s just a fancy word for ever-fresh never-absent Timeless Being.) Seeking that IS the DENIAL of THAT.


When I imagine seeking a remedy, I realize the futility of it, yet I feel hopeless.


BE with that. Now ask, WHO feels?

I know there is no one here…


That’s your bullshit. If you truly know there is no one, all that you are saying would never be said … by you! The “Fabulous Enlightened Ego” says, “I know there is no one here. That is a flat LIE. Stop with this “knowing” already!


… yet, I feel the body sensations of anxiety and fear. I still care what others think of me or fear harm from others. I still try and calculate the best outcome for my future... I still cringe over a past indiscretion. I'm stuck believing this will all go away and I can't understand why it wouldn't. I'm really trapped in the mind and can't seem to escape.


I I I! WHO?? Don’t be lazy to look, to ask, to find out what you are NOT.

And there's the question "Who would escape?" and I'd answer "me the one who's trapped. “Who’s trapped?" Ah, how is it that I'm seen trapped in the mind? The me and the mind has been noted, yet not by the me nor the mind...

Essentially, I still feel I have to DO SOMETHING other than just witness...


So long as you believe there is a “me” there that IS a doer and therefore “must DO,” DO the one Final Question and accept NO answer.


Keep asking, WHO AM I? After all you are directly inescapably BEING. What or WHO you are NOT is not yet seen: When the final question is exhausted, there you are as always, standing alone, free and clear, Being that Presence-Awareness Alive as Life Itself. This is the Eternal Home You never Left … Unchanging Being. Only That and NOTHING else.


The thought "I am" is a self-reinforcing thought. We prove we are separate by proving it with thought. Thi sis seen through when there is an earnestness to invesitgate: "I Am. Is That True? Can I know absolutely that I am the thought 'I am'?"
No. The proof that this thought "I am" is not the True I AM of nonceptual Being Its Self is available be seeing right now that in deep sleep there IS no thought of "I am," and yet Life lives the body organism. If YOU are the "thought I am" than YOU would die when sleep happens, and YOU do NOT.
I AM IS. That is NOT a thought. NOT a feeling. It just .... IS!
See that right now and that's the end of the search.


26 October 2007
Everything Reveals This Peace
Follow-up from E.P. - How's everything? I've been maturing and realizing who the heck I am after all, and it has been very conforting. The sense of separation has dropped away, on by seeing clearly the essence of Being in everything and as everything. Even body anxiety is dropping... Sometimes there is just the relaxation to the moment, and even on listening to the cars on the street is a revelation of this peace that is it is! I just wanted to share that with you.
That's GREAT news, E.P. All gets naturally resolved in the Unborn.
Love Ya!

What Is "Life?"

Last night I walked into my apartment after being out and about, and most of the furniture was gone. There was a strange woman leaning against the wall. She was smoking a cigarette … a Viceroy brand. She was nice enough as she showed me some court papers that said I was to turn over all possessions to a court appointed receiver. It seemed I owed a great deal to someone somewhere, so they said.


Here was a sinking feeling as I wondered, “Where will I sleep? On the floor? I suppose so. Since the bed is already gone.”


Then I relaxed and asked her for a cigarette; she gave me one and I inhaled deeply, expecting to cough as I had not smoked for more that ten years and then only cigars which I didn’t inhale. The last cigarette I inhaled must be 30 years ago or more.


But it was fine, and the smoke relaxed me further as I contemplated my7 situation. There was peace as I knew deep down that all would work itself out in the Unborn and that this was all just another happening. It was like a dream. Very peaceful.


Then I took a short nap and when I awoke I was in my Oklahoma apartment, snug and warm in my cozy bed. I noticed that it was foggy outside my window and I felt good, warm, safe. Then there came a pressure and I got out of bed and plodded into the bathroom to pee. Afterwards I went to the kitchen and swallowed my morning batch of vitamins and medications, heated some coffee and went to the computer to see what was in my e-mail.


After a while I went to the bedroom and lay down. Shortly afterwards I got up and walked around the empty apartment smoking another Viceroy and watched the men remove the last pieces of my life’s possessions form the space. Then I got out of bed and got a fresh cup of coffee ad sat down to write this.


Life is but a dream. Which was (is) a “dream” and was (is) “reality?”


Neither. Life is in beyond. The waking, dream and sleep states come and go. I am Life Itself. So, dear reader, are YOU.



I often refer to your True nature as Being-Awareness-Aliveness. An e-mail appeared today from someone I sat with years ago (in Southern California and at a retreat in Maui, Hawaii) that points to this Aliveness aspect of The One in a palpably powerful way:
This aliveness we are talking about is worth investigating. It is here, in this moment. It is as close to you as your breath. In fact, your breath IS this Livingness. You do not have to remember to breathe. Your breath is literally breathing you. Stop reading the words on this page for a moment and investigate this phenomenon of breathing.... 
(If you did not stop, but simply read on to this sentence, I fully are a lot like me....however there REALLY is something to be seen in the stopping for a moment even if you are an "advanced" student and have examined your breath many times previously)
Perhaps you were able to see the way in which your breath "just happens." You breathe even when you forget to breathe. There is a force here that operates independent of your decisions and intentions. It is this force that the Living Teaching is concerned with. It is this Life that is living you even to the extent that you falsely believe yourself to be living IT. - Wayne Liquorman

If you can take it, take it – and be. If you can’t, cheer up and go
about other people’s business; and do (or undo) till you drop. -e.e. cummings

     From John Greven: Stay with that which lovingly allows for everything to appear in peace that cannot be disturbed. Allow that to show you the depth of its void and the fullness of its emptiness.


     And, "The Supreme Subject is unattainable, unimaginable, undeniable, ever present, and manifest as the thought “I Am.” Seek The Source of "I Am."


thanks to Mack Paul for sending us this

Keep asking WHO?
WHO feels? Who thinks? Whose thoughts racing?
Aliveness burns out the false and only the Real remains
As It always IS - Being-Awakeness-Alive Loving to be EVERYTHING (and NO THING.)
This is known "there" (here) ...
I AM. Full stop!
WHO AM I? No Answer.
Wherever you go Here you ARE...

The True I AM is NOT the thought I Am
The thought "I am" is a self-reinforcing thought. We prove we are separate by proving it with thought. This is seen through when there is an earnestness to invesitgate: "I Am. Is That True?" Can I know absolutely that I am the thought 'I am'?"
No. The proof that this thought "I am" is not the True I AM of nonceptual Being Its Self is available be seeing right now that in deep sleep there IS no thought of "I am," and yet Life lives the body organism. If YOU are the "thought I am" than YOU would die when sleep happens, and YOU do NOT.
I AM IS. That is NOT a thought. NOT a feeling. It just .... IS!
See that right now and that's the end of the search.

              Simply you must empty "is" of meaning, 
                             And take "is not" as real. ~ Zen


    The "Universe" Appears In You


        Once "it dawns" that all and nothing "happens" IN what You are and is nothing but Aliveness Appearing and disappearing (as Waking-Sleeping dualism) then all problems are dust. ALL problems are dust. 


        You are not in the Universe. The Universe is a happening within You ... Being-Awareness-Aliveness. 


        The story goes on and is fixated on as "my story" until there is the deepest seeing that all this about seekers and sages, monks and buddhas, is ONLY a story arising AS mind IN No Thing.  


        Being No Thing, there is Love.

All exists in awareness, and awareness neither dies nor is reborn. It is the changeless reality itself.

   ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

      You are NOT the THOUGHT 'I.'  BEFORE the thought I, then the thought 'I Am,' ever arises, you already ARE! Being is inescapable. The thought I is only a pointer to the pure Oneness-I-Am. More here

      "I have no shape, nor name. It is attachment to a name and shape that breeds fear. I am not attached. I am nothing, and nothing is afraid of no thing. On the contrary, everything is afraid of Nothing, for when a thing touches Nothing, it becomes nothing."


      - Sri Nisargadatta


The "Universe" Appears In You


Once "it dawns" that all and nothing "happens" IN what You are and is nothing but Aliveness Appearing and disappearing (as Waking-Sleeping dualism) then all problems are dust. ALL problems are dust.  

You are not in the Universe. The Universe is a happening within You ... Being-Awareness-Aliveness.


The story goes on and is fixated on as "my story" until there is the deepest seeing that all this about monks and buddhas is ONLY a story aarising AS mind IN No Thing.


Being No Thing, there is Love.


Can you find the "me?"


WHO AM I? Where is this “me?” Can you find one? NO. All the ideas of I and mine rush back out of habit. Breaking that habit is simple: It takes a committed no-kidding get-to-the-bottom-of-this-shit earnestness, a willingness to give up all thoughts and stories and ask WHO AM I?

Now ultimately there is no person who can ask that. Yet as long as YOU believe in this “me-myself-I”  … like a conviction out of long habit, you accept the false assertion of the mind that says "I am the manager and director of 'my life,’ the doer of actions, the thinker of thoughts, the feeler the knower the experiencer" … NOW: PUT that “doer” to the task of doing this One Thought. WHO AM I? WHO am I?

Mind you the simplest and ultimately final approach to the free fall is the simple recognition that you cannot escape ALIVENESS. You ARE That Alive Presence of Being-Awareness and none other than That.



Bad News, Good news


Here is a question for YOU: If you are seeking  …. What are you seeking for? What is it that you don’t have right now that you want to attain? Awakening? Enlightenment? Self-Realization? Liberation? What ARE these things? Are they “things” at all?


Here’s another, harder question for you: What IS enlightenment? What IS awakening? Liberation? Realization? Do you know what these words mean? What the concepts, these words-sounds, are pointing to? Are the concepts describing some actual attainable object? Some “thing” that “you” can “attain?”


Honestly now? Do you REALLY know? Or do you only think you know? Is it really clear or are you only believing a story told by some so-called “awakened, enlightened, liberated or self-realized ‘person’!?” Or is it some hearsay, something you read in some “spiritual book” by some “sage”, or some “holy scripture” (which are just records of dead words from dead people recorded as the interpretation of OTHER dead people?)


How foolish is THAT!?


Look: I am not attacking YOU. These words are to poke with a sharp pointer at the balloon of concepts (filled often with hot air!) … let’s poke a bit at the “culture” of “spirituality” … because that set of cultural beliefs (cultural = cult) can keep the sincere seeker on the hamster wheel of endless suffering and offers no authentic, lasting peace.


There simply is NO such “thing” (key word, thing) as awakening, enlightenment, liberation, or self-realization. These are concepts, ideas, stories; that is all. And a concept will never satisfy your longing for your true nature. The menu ain't the meal!


That’s bad news if you’re a seeker.


“What!!??” I hear you blurt out. “I am suffering here. Are you telling me that my suffering must be endured because there is no enlightenment and liberation from this endless seeking and suffering?


No. The notion that suffering must be endured is truly crap.


Now for the good news. The really cool good news is that what you actually ARE is are already awake, already liberated, already self-realized, already enlightenment itself.


There is peace, joy, freedom, wholeness. But that is not a personal state of affairs. What we call "the person" is just a false belief in a separate individual called “myself”, or “I”, or “me.”


Let’s have a look beyond words: Are you aware that you are present and seeing these words? And the spaces between the words? Aren’t you clearly presently aware that you exist? You are? That awareness is itself endless, Beginningless, peaceful, silent and open, like the sky. That Awareness Itself is the natural, eternal state of total freedom … simply, naked being-awareness.


Notice that. That is what is being pointed to with all the fancy words. Drop the words and see that YOU - this naked awareness – IS.  THIS is the Beginningless and endless True Peace that the seeker yearns for, shining before the mind’s stories of “me” and “liberation” and “someday.”


This Awareness is always here right now wherever you go. It may have been overlooked as the mind focused on attaining something that was missing, something to solve a problem for a person. But the actual fact is, YOU are Awareness ... and That is never missing. That is a space-like knowing that the mind translates into the words “I AM.”


This Awareness is the peace that surpasses understanding; the natural state of serene open seeingness itself, devoid of


Identification as this or that thing. This Awareness IS Awake, liberated, realized. This Awakeness IS enlightenment itself. It ain't personal. It just IS. It is NOT an attainment. It very simply already always IS. Full Stop. You are this. There is nothing more to seek. In fact any seeking can only seemingly obscure that, yet ultimately it is impossible to hide from what you are, since you ARE the awareness that sees these words appearing before the eyes.


Awareness IS. Prior to, during, and after everything appearing, all stories, experiences, knowing, not knowing, etc … that Awareness sees all that is happening.


Everything happens in awareness and You Are That. Search Over.


You are always aware, always aware of something, whatever is appearing before your eyes and ears; whether that appearance is painful or pleasurable, happy or sad. Hearing, seeing, knowing … all these arise in awareness. Awareness sees, hears. It’s the essence of everything and never missing ever. That is what you are.


So you ARE the liberation, realization, awakeness; you ARE freedom itself. Just see right now that the label, the word, is not the actuality. Freedom is NOT a word. NOT a concept. NOT an experience. Freedom IS and you are that.


You are Awareness Itself. Already free and peaceful. So if that is what you were seeking you can stop now, because you already have it. See this right now for yourself. If you believe that you are anything other than awareness itself, who believes that? Challenge the assumption that you are a thing apart from that ever-present naked awareness.


You are NOT a concept, NOT a belief or a believer, NOT a thing apart from Awareness. You are what you seek. Se it now. You are already the enlightenment, the peace, that you have been looking for. That is all there is to “awakening” or “liberation” Seeing that what you are is naked awareness and what you are not is a thing apart from That.


Awareness is always present. It's not present yesterday or tomorrow, or even today.  It's always only here now. YOU, as timeless, spaceless awareness that's always seeing, hearing, tasting, touching, smelling, is what YOU are.


All concepts and experiences that come and go in Awareness are totally irrelevant. Nothing that comes and goes can ever touch the Perfect Peace that YOU are


Just notice, "I am present and aware, right here right now." That's all there is to it. Game Over: Allee Allee In Free.


So: Welcome back to the Home you never left.




 The story of "me"


      YOU are Awareness, simply, Being. No one can say “I do not exist”. That existence, the sense of "I" as in "I Am," is undeniable and inescapable. Try to NOT BE. Cannot be done.

      You are NOT an "individual." There are NO "individuals" anywhere except in dream-stories. The idea of a separate person is a fiction, the dreamer that claims "I'm ME!"  


      To be blunt, it's bullshit. The whole fabricated story of me is pure nonsense: all stories of “individuals” is actually a fiction. As Shakespeare said, it’s a tale told by an idiot, filled with sound and fury, signifying … NOTHING. The story of “me” comes and goes. What never comes and goes?


      What you ARE NEVER comes and goes anywhere. It is (You Are) fully Here Now and Eternally Free and Clear, Eternally Presencing as Timeless Being.

       Being, Awareness- Presence, beats the heart, breathes air in and out, flows the blood, grows new cells and disintegrates other cells, grows hair and fingernails, ages the body etc. Who or what is "doing" all that? Not a “me” or a “you.” Nothing is happening and This is what it looks like. Or, Everything is happening to no one.

        There is no seeker, no teacher, no path, no pathless path, no attainment, no realization, no enlightenment, no liberation. There is Nothing. You are That.


       Free Audio: The Basics (Click to listen or Right Click to Save) 


Two In One

'"Sailor" Bob Adamson and John Wheeler, Together in

Melbourne, Australia - September 2007

Click HERE for an Enhanced mp3 Audio of this Talk

Many Thanks and Much Love to Mandy and Dave Willison for this!



Silence, Seeing and Time It's a common question: When did the suffering end? When did the penny drop? "When did 'you' see that there is no you?" Have a goo It's a common question: When did the suffering end? When did the penny drop? "When did 'you' see that there is no you?" Have a good laugh!



       "I feel that I have lost nothing by not knowing, because all my
knowledge was false. My not knowing was in itself knowledge of t
he fact that all knowledge is ignorance, that 'I do not know' is t
he only true statement the mind can make."
      - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    What is it in you that never changes?
          For now, can you accept that only That which
                never changes can be Ultimately Real . . . ?

"'We' as WHAT-WE-ARE, being all that is, can never be out of any
functioning. As an appearance in the mind, we are nothing; as WHAT-
WE-ARE, we are everything. Noumenon and phenomenon are not two,
nor are they different. ... what they are is transcendence
phenomenally and immanence noumenally." Ramesh S. Balsekar

The end of suffering is a matter of simply seeing what is always Real

and what never changes, and what is false, which is nothing more

than a false belief in an individual person called "me." That false belief

is the core cause of suffering.


Cut through the root cause and the effects cannot remain. Being ...

Naked Awareness ... is inescapable and ever-present. Nothing that

comes and goes in Awareness can be what you truly are. Seeing this,

the search ... and any suffering ... ends right now.

A Second "follow-up" Video is HERE.





You are NOT this Body, or mind, or ANY 'thing'

You are That No-concept No-Thing - Naked Presence, that Awareness which the mind translates into the "knowing" that "I am" ... and you are NOT this person, this body-mind, or any 'thing.'

Nisargadatta Maharaj:

I am not this person, this body-mind or any thing.

As I can't be what I perceive, I am not this body-mind or any thing that I am conscious of.

As body, you are in space. As mind, you are in time. But are you a mere body with a mind in it? Have you ever investigated? (252)

Why not investigate the very idea of body? Does the mind appear in the body or the body in the mind? Surely there must be a mind to conceive the "I-am-the-body" idea. A body without a mind cannot be 'my body'. 'My body' is invariably absent when the mind is in abeyance. It is also absent when the mind is deeply engaged in thoughts and feelings. (434)

You observe the heart feeling, the mind thinking, the body acting; the very act of perceiving shows that you are not what you perceive. (2)

The perceived cannot be the perceiver. Whatever you see, hear or think of, remember - you are not what happens, you are he to whom it happens. (519)

Desire, fear, trouble, joy, they cannot appear unless you are there to appear to. Yet, whatever happens points to your existence as a perceiving centre. Disregard the pointers and be aware of what they are pointing to. (220)

Realize that every mode of perception is subjective, that what is seen or heard, touched or smelt, felt or thought, expected or imagined, is in the mind and not in reality, and you will experience peace and freedom from fear. (201)

When you realize that the distinction between inner and outer is in the mind only, you are no longer afraid. (464)

You are neither the body nor in the body. There is no such thing as body. You have grievously misunderstood yourself. To understand rightly, investigate. (253)

You are not in the body, the body is in you! The mind is in you. They happen to you. They are there because you find them interesting. (212)

You only know that you react. Who reacts and to what, you do not know. You know on contact that you exist: "I am". The "I am this", "I am that" are imaginary. (337)

To myself, I am neither perceivable nor conceivable; there is nothing I can point out to and say: "this I am". You identify yourself with everything so easily; I find it impossible. The feeling "I am not this or that, nor is anything mine" is so strong in me that as soon as a thing or a thought appears, there comes at once the sense "this I am not". (268)

Whatever you may hear, see or think of, I am not that. I am free from being a percept or a concept. (152) A

s you cannot see your face, but only its reflection in the mirror, so you can know only your image reflected in the stainless mirror of pure awareness. See the stains and remove them. The nature of the perfect mirror is such that you cannot see it. Whatever you can see is bound to be a stain. Turn away from it, give it up, know it as unwanted. All perceivables are stains. (126)

Having perfected the mirror so that it reflects correctly, truly, you can turn the mirror round and see in it a reflection of yourself -true as far as the mirror can reflect. But the reflection is not yourself - you are the seer of the reflection. Do understand it clearly - whatever you may perceive, you are not what you perceive. You can see both the image and the mirror. You are neither. (330) Remember, nothing you perceive is your own. (510)

What is really your own, you are not conscious of. (445)

You are nothing that you are conscious of. (458)

As there must be something unchanging to register discontinuity, I am not this body-mind, which is neither continuous nor permanent. The mind is discontinuous. Again and again it blanks out, like in sleep or swoon or distraction. There must be something continuous to register discontinuity. Memory is always partial, unreliable and evanescent. It does not explain the strong sense of identity pervading consciousness, the sense "I am". Find out what is at the root of it. (307)

You cannot be conscious of what does not change. All consciousness is consciousness of change. But the very perception of change - does it not necessitate a changeless background? (516)

Changes are inevitable in the changeful, but you are not subject to them. You are the changeless background, against which changes are perceived. (333)

The self based on memory is momentary. But such self demands unbroken continuity behind it. You know from experience that there are gaps when your self is forgotten. What brings it back to life? What wakes you up in the morning? There must be some constant factor bridging the gaps in consciousness. If you watch carefully, you will find that even your daily consciousness is in flashes, with gaps intervening all the time. What is in the gaps? What can there be but your real being, that is timeless? Mind and mindlessness are one to it. (333)

Realize that whatever you think yourself to be is just a stream of events; that while all happens, comes and goes, you alone are, the changeless among the changeful, the self-evident among the inferred. Separate the observed from the observer and abandon false identifications. (215)

The succession of transient moments creates the illusion of time, but the timeless reality of pure being is not in movement, for all movement requires a motionless background. It is itself the background. Once you have found it in yourself, you know that you had never lost that independent being. (409)

What changes is not real, what is real does not change. Now, what is it in you that does not change? As long as there is food, there is body and mind. When the food is stopped, the body dies and the mind dissolves. But does the observer perish? It is a matter of actual experience that the self has being independent of mind and body. It is being-awareness-bliss. Awareness of being is bliss. (210) You must realize yourself as the immovable behind and beyond the movable, the silent witness of all that happens. (319)

As the person is a changing stream of mental objects that I as the subject take to be my body-mind, I cannot be a person. I am, but I can't be this or that.

Nothing is wrong with you, but the ideas you have of yourself are altogether wrong. It is not you who desires, fears and suffers, it is the person built on the foundation of your body by circumstances and influences. You are not that person. (424)

The person is never the subject. You can see a person, but you are not the person. (64)

Your being a person is due to the illusion of space and time; you imagine yourself to be at a certain point occupying a certain volume; your personality is due to your self-identification with the body. (205)

How does personality come into being? By identifying the present with the past and projecting it into the future. (206)

The body-mind is like a room. It is there, but I need not live in it all the time. (153)

The person is merely the result of a misunderstanding. In reality, there is no such thing. Feelings, thoughts and actions race before the watcher in endless succession, leaving traces in the brain and creating an illusion of continuity. A reflection of the watcher in the mind creates the sense of "I" and the person acquires an apparently independent existence. In reality there is no person, only the watcher identifying himself with the "I" and the "mine". (343)

It is because the "I am" is false that it wants to continue. Reality need not continue - knowing itself indestructible, it is indifferent of forms and expressions. To strengthen and stabilize the "I am", we do all sorts of things - all in vain, for the "I am" is being rebuilt from moment to moment. It is unceasing work, and the only radical solution is to dissolve the separative sense of "I am such and such PERSON" It is not the "I am" that is false, but what you take yourself to be. I can see, beyond the least shadow of doubt, that you are not what you believe yourself to be. (458)

What is really your own, you are not conscious of. What you are conscious of is neither you nor yours. Yours is the power of perception, not what you perceive. It is a mistake to take the conscious to be the whole of man. Man is the unconscious, the conscious and the superconscious, but you are not the man. Yours is the cinema screen, the light as well as the seeing power, but the picture is not you. (445)

As it is my presence, which is always here and now, that gives the quality of actual to any event, I must be beyond time and space. I was never born, nor will ever die. Take the idea "I was born". You may take it to be true. It is not. You were not born, nor will you ever die. It is the idea that was born and shall die, not you. By identifying yourself with it you became mortal. (392)

Your mistake lies in your belief that you were born. You were never born nor will you ever die. (83)

Between the remembered and the actual there is a basic difference which can be observed from moment to moment. At no point of time is the actual the remembered. Between the two there is a difference in kind, not merely in intensity. The actual is unmistakably so. By no effort of will or imagination can you interchange the two. Now, what is it that gives this unique quality to the actual? A moment back, the remembered was actual, in a moment the actual will be the remembered. What makes the actual unique? Obviously, it is the sense of being present. In memory and anticipation, there is a clear feeling that it is a mental state under observation, while in the actual the feeling is primarily of being present and aware. Wherever you go, the sense of here and now you carry with you all the time. It means that you are independent of space and time, that space and time are in you, not you in them. It is your self-identification with the body, which, of course, is limited in space and time, that gives you the feeling of finiteness. In reality you are infinite and eternal. (516)

Found at:

Nonduality Presents: ASMI
Excerpts from Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj's I AM THAT
compiled and edited by
Miguel-Angel Carrasco
Numbers after quotations refer to pages of the edition by Chetana (P) Ltd, Bombay, 1992.
ASMI home

     "What relationship can there be between what is and what merely appears to be? Is there any relationship between the ocean and its waves? The real enables the unreal to appear and causes it to disappear. The succession of transient moments creates the illusion of time, but the timeless reality of pure being is not in movement, for all movement requires a motionless background. It is itself the background. Once you have found it in yourself, you know that you had never lost that independent being, independent of all divisions and separations. But don't look for it in consciousness, you will not find it there. Don't look for it anywhere, for nothing contains it. On the contrary, it contains everything and manifests everything. It is like the daylight that makes everything visible while itself remaining invisible."
 - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

   "I yam what I yam" -  Popeye

     "You are the Light of the World" - a course in miracles
            (That is not a "truth." NOTHING on this site is "the truth."
                 What is here are pointers to That which is your own Eternal Nature.
            Look for yourself. Find your own Eternal State ... right where you are.
      Wherever you go, Here you are. Whenever you are, Now, you are. That is All. Full Stop!

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   Being Is. Existence Is.

     One might well say: THIS is Being Not-Knowing...

But Wait ... is that TRUE?

     "There is no such thing as not-knowing. There is only forgetting."

-Nisargadatta Maharaj

     What is forgotten? Just this: The Awareness of I AM. Not the thought I Am, the thought IS the forgetting. The actual knowing of I AM is a pointer to Truth. Stay with that Truth, the knowing that this I AM is what you are and all else is false. Remembering is easy. Stay with that I AM and knowing Truth is natural, eternal and maintenance free.

Beyond even that:

     "Remembering and forgetting are at the mental level. Being-awareness, your real nature, is prior to the mind. So it cannot be remembered — or forgotten." - John Wheeler




           Are you suffering? See if you can find the "one who suffers." All suffering is for a fixated idea of a separate person you call "me." Look into this thought from Being -Awareness, this simple ever-fresh inescapable Consciousness ... see if there IS any separate "entity." In this life, apparently, stuff happens. On investigation this "me" is never found ... and in it's absence there is no suffering ... as there is no one to whom "stuff happens." The happening of this Life-Appearance cannot touch the Being in which it appears. See that this "me" is actually non-existent and that's the end of suffering ... all "my" problems are imagination! Everything happens ... to no-one. In seeing this, the suffering that was never real is over, right now.

The Great Perfection Is

Pure Naked Awareness 


If you are seeking truth, God, Completion, Wholeness, Love, Peace, Fulfillment ... here is a question for you:


What makes you believe in your own separate existence? What force or power is creating this false cage of conceptual limitation to your Eternally Peaceful True-Nature?


Find out! Let's uncover that energy that moves the stars and makes the Sun burn in perfect brilliance and superb endless Silence.


WHAT makes you think you are NOT the Whole Eternal Totality? What has you accept any idea of lack or limitation to your own Incandescent Loving Spacious Being?


Find out ... and Meet Your True Self in Absolute Freedom ... Right Now.


YOU ... Ever-Present, Naked Empty Awareness ... are akin to the great empty sky in which all that arises -- storms or sunlight, clouds or rain, light or darkness -- is effortlessly allowed, unresisted, unmodified, simply lovingly accepted -- as it is and as it is not. The sky Itself remains clear and lucid, untouched by all that appears within it. So it is with your True Nature of Nondual Clear Presence-Awareness. All appearances of thoughts, feelings, identifications, attachments, aversions, opinions, forms, names -- everything that appears to "manifest" -- simply arise, persist only for a while in apparent "time" (itself an appearance!) ...  and then disppear back into That ... the endless Space of Your Own Awareness, just as the clouds and rain, sunshine and darkness appear and disappear in the clear Space of the sky.


Nothing lasts forever. ONLY Nothing lasts forever.


You are That. No Thing. Free and clear, standing outside Creation and embracing all that is.


Be what you are! You are not an object, and not a subject.


You are. Naked Vibrantly Alive Awareness. Nothing Else.






   "We are free here and now, it is only the mind that imagines bondage. Seeing that there is no such thing as a permanent, separate person, all becomes clear. You are the immensity and infinity of consciousness. It is lucid, silent, peaceful, alert, and unafraid - without desire and fear. To realize this is the end of all seeking." - Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj




The Key to The Kingdom

Investigate. Does this "I" or sense of "me" that has been accepted as what you are actually have ANY control over what thoughts arise, what feelings or emotional experiences come up, what happens in its world?

the key to seeing that this "I" is a powerless concept is, try to control your thoughts and never have an unhappy thought or emotion for, say, two weeks.

Then let me know how it went and if you still believe that "you" are the "managing director of your life."

And while all that is going on, just notice that the awareness of your being, present as the ever-knowing consciousness of "I am," has never gone away.

Awareness is never lost nor found. IT IS. That is what you are ... the aware presence that sees thoughts, feelings, changes, happenings, effort and struggle, trying to control, trying to not control ... all is witnessed by that Awareness that you are.

So you are what you have been seeking.

Consciousness is all there is, and you are That.

Full Stop.


 When Nothing Meets Nothing,

     Everything  Is Seen ...

              By No One.


     What do you suppose the source of suffering might be?


     Perhaps it is simply an unseen background assumption, deeply hidden from apparent view: I am a separate body and/or mind ... "bodymind" ... an object with limits and vulnerabilities in a world of sometimes friendly often hostile "other bodyminds" ... and myriad other things "separate from me."


     Call it "mistaken identity." A belief, so deep as to be hiding under feelings and thoughts ... yet at cause in the matter of suffering like depression, despair, sadness, feelings of unworthiness, insecurities and feelings of vulnerability.


     To paraphrase a sincere spiritual text, nothing that can be threatened is actually real. And nothing unreal can actually exist. The direct cognition of this fact reveals the Always Fresh Ever Present Peace that Surpasses (Transcends) Understanding.


     A body certainly can be threatened, can be hurt, can die. And it will die. That’s a given. The question is, am I, are YOU, the body? Or is that identification merely a deeply held conviction, a belief, a thought, idea, words? Without thought IS there a body? How would we know? We only know what is assumed or what others have told us. On looking deep in the space of your own awareness, can you find any such thing as a body or mind unless you are thinking it up?


     What never changes? What is always present? What is That which was the same when you were two or three or ten or twenty years old? Has that ever gone away or changed in any way?


     Bodies change. They grow, then wither and die. Have you noticed? Finding that which never ever changes to be what you are and seeing that the idea of your identity as a changing dying body is FALSE is liberation.


That Unchanging Being is Home … the home you never ever left!



July 29th, 2007:


What is the "ego?"


     Many teachings seem to indicate that "the ego" is the problem. But what IS this so-called "ego?"


     Depends on how deep you want to go..


     At a superficial level, “ego” is nothing but a three-letter word. Fraught with meaning, certainly, thanks to Freud, among others. Look up “ego” and you find page after page of explanation.


     But the simple dictionary definition I like best is just this: “The self, especially as distinct from the world and other selves.”


     That says a mouthful. “… distinct from other selves …” in other words, separated from everyone (and everything) but itself.


     But where does this “separation” occur? ONLY in language. And what is language? Letters. Words. Concepts. Ideas. And what are all those things? Things! Objects. But what are these objects made of? Are they actually REAL? Or is there just a deep-down well-hidden moving Energy, a substance that we can call Source or Intelligence or Consciousness (more concepts! It’s hopeless, but … ) or GOD? There’s an “ultimate concept” for you.


     So what is actually REAL in all this play of words and meanings? Perhaps this idea of “my ego” is nothing more substantive than an idea, a movement of a consciousness or energy, bubbling up and appearing out of nowhere? And is there any actuality to this? Any real solidity? or is this “my ego” simply an assumed identity, an unprovable belief? WHO is this me that has an ego? Where is there any such thing, apart from language? Drop language, look for the ego-me without a word or sound and what do you find?




     What if “the ego” never existed. And what if “it’s power” is nothing more than a false assumption? Investigation may reveal the phantom to be a phantom. Have a go. Look into this. As you look at this idea of a separate "ego-me self," you might ponder, WHO or WHAT is ‘looking into this?”


     What are you? Language? Or something (actually no thing) that TRANSCENDS language?

     Who is asking? Find out.


  Posts are listed from latest to earliest, topmost being the latest.
        NOTE: Older Previously posted correspondence can be found in the books
